Doraleous and Associates

Neebs: Don't we need like more people?
Doraleous: Sure, but a small, highly skilled team can be just as effective.
Doraleous and Associates is a weekly updated animation series found on The Escapist.
The series is protagonized by The Hero Doraleous, and his Associates Neebs, (a stupid archery elf with a tendency to ruin the Associates' plans) Mirdon, (a snarky wizard who always get his spells wrong) and Drak. (An annoyingly voiced axe wielding dwarf)
Lesser known are his two other associates who turn up to their meetings awfully late, but were more competent than Doraleous' other three associates: Sir Walken (a competent knight who's also Doraleous's second-in-command) and Broof. (who has an inhuman vitality, a husky voice, and is prone to some of the more unexpected humor in the series) They have both became more popular as the series progressed.
The bunch mostly work as mercenaries, looking for jobs as warriors for hire and/or diplomats.
- Affably Evil: The Pyramites.
- All There in the Manual: According to interactive map of the setting, Mirdon is over 300 years old and Doraleous apparently valued Drak for his engineering skills.
- An Axe to Grind: Drak and Broof.
- The Archer: Neebs, without the cold calculation or rationality.
- Art Evolution: Compare the Pilot Episode with the Episode 1.
- Badass: Weirdly enough, all six of the associates are incredibly badass.
- Ambadassador: Doraleous. Peacetalk is his first choice, but when it fails, he's ready to kick some serious asses.
- Badass Beard: Doraleous, Mirdon and Drak.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Sometimes these guys are so goofy you forget they're all very competent warriors.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: In an attempt to de-Scrappyfy him after his firing, Neebs.
- Berserk Button: Doraleous is NOT a bitch, and make sure you don't address him as such.
- Big Damn Heroes:
- Drak is back!
- Sir Walken saving the life of the Associates at the end of Episode 6.
- The Chosen One: Doraleous confirmed multiple times, although what he's been chosen to do is unclear.
- Combat Pragmatist: Neebs likes to engage his enemies in 'theological discussion' and shoot them in the head when they aren't looking. This is the source of plenty of his discussions with Doraleous, and his eventual firing at the first episodes of Season 2.
- Continuity Nod: The return of the rather idiotic bandits.
- Cool Old Guy: Sir Walken, Broof, Testicles and the Crazy Old Guy.
- Expy:
- Faceless Goons: Most of the town guards and opponents of the Associates.
- Five-Man Band: The associates
- The Hero: Doraleous
- The Lancer: Sir Walken
- The Big Guy: Broof and Drak
- The Smart Guy: Mirdon (mostly by virtue of being a wizard)
- The Chick: Neebs and Thesaurus
- The Sixth Ranger: Ladderguy
- Gag Boobs: Aleena. Turned Up to Eleven.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: Mirdon kills an army with a whale.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Doraleous.
- Hired Guns: Of the We Help the Helpless variety (according to Doraleous' vision at least)
- Hold Your Hippogriffs:
"Holy balls of a dragon!"
- Hurricane of Puns: When Walken and Broof first see the Wooden Army:
"What Branch of your army is this?"
"This guy looks a little trunk."
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Sir Walken, to Doraleous, very often.
- I Just Shot Marvin in the Face: Walken justifiably yells at Doraleous for sheathing his sword with out wiping off the blood.
- Jerkass:
- The Lady of the Lake.
- Half of Doraleous' crew.
- Even Heroes Have Heroes: Broof, in Testicles's presence.
- Ludicrous Gibs: When the Cultleader dies and when the Crazy Old Man explodes a guard.
- Magic Knight: Mirdon. Though he rarely engages in combat, he's pretty capable at it.
- Memetic Badass: In-universe, Testicles reaches a level so pheonominal, that Doraleous, Drak and Broof start making these kind of statements about him for a laugh.
- Minions with Fs in Evil: The Black Cloaks.
- The Mole: Sir Walken plays as an heroic one, from the Associates towards their enemies.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: King Callus calling Doraleous as Doralingus, as seen below under Running Gag.
- Neck Lift: Doraleous to Neebs in the Season 1 Finale.
- Only Sane Man:
- Doraleous has some moments.
- Sir Walken as well.
- Thesaurus is heading this way too.
- Only the Chosen May Wield: The Zephyr Blade.
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same: Subverted with Drak. Ostensibly a dwarf, has a high-pitched voice, wears only a loincloth, no Scottish accent, and the demeanor of an eight-year-old girl. In addition, he is never seen drinking beer. However, he does have a beard and uses an axe in combat.
- Our Elves Are Different: Elves in the world of Doraleous and Associates seem to be typical high fantasy fare, except that they speak with southern accents and every example seen is almost impossibly stupid.
- Our Orcs Are Different: The Old Worlders who are green, fanged and armored.
- Our Werewolves Are Different: Drak.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Both Broof and Aleena. (1x16)
- Perpetual Frowner: Broof.
Broof: This is my happy face.
Doraleous: Yeah? It's also your sad face.
Broof: And my angry face.
- Pet the Dog: Neebs, despite being fantastically self-centred and thoughtless, still beats up Ladder Guy for insulting Doraleous, proving that while monumentally stupid, he is still very loyal to the Associates.
- Professional Butt-Kisser: Drak.
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Partially broken with the introduction of Thesaurus, replacing Neebs.
- Right Behind Me: Averted or played with, depending on the author's intentions. When Aleena turns out to be right behind Neebs when he's insulting her Gag Boobs with a, "Oh really?' Neebs doesn't skip a beat, turning around and responding, "Yeah really!"
- Running Gag: Plenty.
- No one outside of Doraleous's associates can seem to say his name right.
King Calas: Doralingus, this is *bullshit*!
Farmer: We'll never forget your name. And by the way, what is your name?
Doraleous: It's Doraleous.
Farmer: Domaleous.
Doraleous: No, Doraleous.
Farmer: [with more difficulty] Domaleous.
Doraleous: Okay. Dor...
Farmer: Dor...
Doraleous: ...aleous.
Farmer: ...aleous.
Doraleous: Doraleous.
Farmer: Domaleous!
- Doraleous killing things, only to have someone else (usually Neebs) take the credit.
- The Zephyr Blade.
- The So-Called Coward: Leslie.
- The Stoic: Compared to the boisterous other warriors, Broof, but...
- Not So Stoic: ...when Testicles is around, he goes into fanboy mode.
- Surrounded by Idiots: Doraleous.
- Take That, Audience!: A promo for the series featured Sir Walken suggestion people watch as they've got nothing better to do.
- Tap on the Head: Sir Walken, frequently.
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill:
- Broof to a Pyramite.
- Turned Up to Eleven in Episode 23. The cult leader is impaled with a sword, decapitated, and cut in half; then as a final touch, Neebs shoots his severed head as it flies through the air.
- This Is for Emphasis, Bitch: Many, many times.
"He's goin' drinking, bitches?!"
"THIS.... IS.... GEIGH!!!!!!"
- Those Two Guys: Sir Walken and Broof.
- Too Dumb to Live:
- The Meh kingdom people do nothing but criticize the Associates attempts to help them. Considering the source...
- Neebs is a fair example as well, what with walking up to an enemy army, threatening them, breaking a prisoner from the stocks, and bringing the man and his shackles to the King's court with him.
- Verbal Tic:
- There is. Sir Walken. Obviously.
- What do you think? Meh.
- Weapon of Choice: Doraleous, Drak, Mirdon, Neebs/Thesaurus.
- We Help the Helpless
- The Wiki Rule: Doraleous And Associates Wiki