< Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong/YMMV

  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Stanley.
  • Gannon Banned: Go ahead and say that the girl in the original game is Peach. I dare ya. Not helped by Peach actually replacing her in the Modern version of the Game & Watch version in Game & Watch Gallery 2.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: The original appears to be more popular in the U.S. than in its home country of Japan. Nearly all of the notable world records are set by Americans, and not a single one by a Japanese player.
  • More Popular Spinoff: Super Mario Bros., and to a lesser extent, Donkey Kong Country.
  • Sequel Displacement: Many people born in modern times think that Mario debuted with Super Mario Bros.. Likewise, there exists a small group of people who think, or at least once thought, that Donkey Kong made his debut in Donkey Kong Country. Technically, they're right, but it was the current Donkey Kong, with the original Donkey Kong debuting as Cranky Kong.
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