< Dominatrix
Dominatrix/Playing With
Basic Trope: A woman's primary trait is that she dominates people.
- Straight: Alice is confident, dominant, and wears a leather outfit that is very revealing.
- Exaggerated: Alice dominates every male she meets. So far, she has successfully dominated, among other males, all of her male relatives (including her father, husband, and son), God, Satan and so on. She also wears only leather pasties and a leather thong.
- Justified: Alice actually works as a professional Dominatrix.
- Inverted:
- Alice is a Property of Love Sex Slave whose primary trait is that she's submissive.
- Bob likes to dominate women.
- Subverted: Alice is introduced as a Dominatrix, but it's later revealed that she likes to sub.
- Double Subverted:...occasionally, but most of the time, she's still dominant.
- Parodied: Alice is a Corrupt Corporate Executive who is like this to her employees.
- Deconstructed: Alice has a Freudian Excuse for her dominating personality: she's been through a string of bad relationships with controlling, manipulative jerks, so now she feels a pathological need to be the one in control.
- Reconstructed: Alice is a kind, well-adjusted woman who enjoys consensual S&M play with her boyfriend Bob (who enjoys being a sub in the bedroom, but knows how to stand up for himself when he needs to). Alice and Bob have a perfectly healthy relationship, and they treat each other with mutual respect.
- Zig Zagged:
- Alice is a switch who sometimes acts like a Dominatrix, and sometimes like a Property of Love Sex Slave.
- Alice alternates betweensubmissive and meek, commanding and direct, and both. depending on her customer. She believes it pays to be flexible.
- Averted: Alice is neither dominant nor submissive.
- Enforced:
- A male sub is writing the story.
- Alice is written as a Fetish Fuel Station Attendant.
- Lampshaded: "Dominate me, oh Mistress Alice!"
- Invoked: Through experimentation, Alice finds she really likes S&M and being the dominant partner.
- Exploited: The owner of the local S&M club offers Alice a job, knowing customers will love to be dominated by her.
- Defied:
- Alice does not believe power dynamics should be brought into the bedroom, for real or for fantasy.
- Alice finds she prefers to sub.
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
- Played for Laughs: Alice dominates... animals, both real and stuffed. Hilarity Ensues when she visits a zoo.
- Played for Drama: Alice dominates men and wears a skimpy leather outfit... buts it's strictly because her perverted boyfriend Charlie forces her to. She does it begrugingly and loathes being sexualized. Her raging body issues don't help.
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