
Dolemite is a 1975 blaxploitation feature film, following the titular character, played by Rudy Ray Moore, who co-wrote the film and its soundtrack. The film was directed by D'Urville Martin and distributed by Dimension Pictures Inc.. A sequel film, The Human Tornado was later produced.
The film follows Dolemite, initially jailed due to being framed by crooked cops hired by his rival, Willie Green. The film opens to the prison warden calling Dolemite up to his office and offering him his freedom if he can help gather evidence supporting the theory that he didn't commit the crime. Dolemite returns to his life as a pimp and is harassed by the cops who framed him, the movie proceeds to follow a nonsensical and convoluted plot that amounts to little.
Oh, yeah, and it's a parody.
- Action Girls and Amazon Brigade: The karate hookers.
- Badass: Dolemite pretty much personifies this trope.
- Bizarre and Improbable Ballistics
- Blaxploitation
- Cluster F-Bomb: "Dolemite is my name, and fuckin' up motherfuckers is my game!"
- Corrupt Cop: Mitchell and White.
- Fan Disservice: We get to see the corrupt mayor in all of his naked glory.
- Fan Sequel: Mad Tv's Son of Dolemite.
- Gratuitous Iambic Pentameter
- Jive Turkey
- Homage: A wrestler on the United States independent scene goes by the Human Tornado.
- Mercy Kill: The FBI agent puts Willie Green out of his misery by shooting him. Twice.
- Mighty Whitey
- Parody: The film is a mockery of the Blaxplotation genre. Too many people, including Bennett The Sage, don't realize this. It helps to be familiar with Rudy's stand up comedy acts, where Dolemite was a recurring character.
- Rhymes on a Dime: You jivin' motherfuckers would be spoilin' for a fight, if you forgot to mention a badass named Dolemite!
- Scary Black Man: Dolemite.
- Visible Boom Mic: Happens so often you can make a Drinking Game out of it.