< Doing It for the Art

Doing It for the Art/Quotes

"MONEY? Who cares about money?! This is art, you blockhead!!"
Schroeder, Peanuts
"Evangelion is my life, and I have put everything I know into this work. This is my entire life. My life itself."
"MSPA is not a day job for me. It is an all consuming lifestyle... The actual quantities involved have always been nebulous and I never made a point of keeping track, but 12 hours per day seems like a pretty reasonable average, since that is just shy of all waking hours. Time spent writing, drawing, animating, or just spacing out at my monitor while contemplating all the moving parts. This is what I did every day, including weekends and holidays, for two years, and to some extent another year prior to that with Problem Sleuth."
"This isn't a job for me, and I'll never modify my approach to protect a bottom line. If it was just a job, I guarantee I wouldn't spend every waking hour doing it. It's kind of a strange personal mission I'm on, which I happen to make money from, and that's cool. People are welcome to come along for the ride."

"It's the difference between saying 'how can I make the best work with $X' versus 'how can I make the most profitable work with $X'. Sometimes they overlap. Sometimes they don't."

"We didn't make them for kids. We made them for ourselves."
Chuck Jones on the movie theater release (30s to 40s) Looney Tunes shorts.
""I don't want to make responsible shows about lawyers. I want to invade people's dreams" "
"This is my piece of Fan Fiction"
Neil Gaiman, interviewed during filming of his Doctor Who story, "The Doctor's Wife"
"I know I can make any movie I want any time. That's all I know and that's all I really care about. It's not getting the film made — that's the easy part. It's making a good movie."
Ivan Reitman, January 1984 (while making a movie you might possibly have heard of)

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