Doctor Whooves and Assistant

The Doctor's epic adventures through time and space... with ponies!

Because you knew, deep down, that it was just a matter of time...

An audio series on YouTube based around the popular background characters from My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic series, Doctor Whooves and Ditzy Doo a.k.a Derpy Hooves.

The series commences when the Doctor is bewildered to find the TARDIS has transported to such a colorful place, and even more bewildered to hear a local pony, Ditzy, talking. She then informs him that here, all ponies can talk, and that the Doctor himself is also a pony, much to his bemusement.

The Doctor summizes that the TARDIS has brought him to Equestria to participate in an important event, and when the Doctor tells Ditzy this, she suggests that it could be the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration. Before they go, the Doctor promotes Ditzy as his temporary assistant.

"Temporary assistant?!? EEE! EEE! EEE! What do I do?"

And so ends the first episode and begins the adventure of our two heroes.

There are five episodes so far:

Tropes used in Doctor Whooves and Assistant include:


"Now you listen to me and you listen to me good, Frolorn. This planet has a lot of wonderful ponies. I haven't met them all yet, but they're wonderful! And I'm not going to let their planet turn into a planet of ice. I'm the Doctor and the doctor is in!"

  • Baleful Polymorph: Played with. The Doctor is more amused than anything at being inexplicably turned into a pony. He does find it difficult to do anything with hooves, like pick up his sonic screwdriver, but he eventually gets over that once he learns how to pick things up with them. (See Feather Fingers below.) If anything he's more disappointed that he's still not ginger.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Princess Luna in Episode 5 when the Doctor, Ditzy, and Celestia are surrounded by Cyberponies.
  • Break the Cutie: Celestia got this from the Cyberponies.
  • Carnivore Confusion: Lampshaded. After learning that Ditzy doesn't know what bacon is, the Doctor remembers that ponies are herbivores and that sentient ones eating other animals similar to them would probably be almost like cannibalism anyway. But he also notes how strange it is that they evidently eat and cook with eggs.
  • Centipede's Dilemma: Ditzy Doo can hold a screwdriver fine, but the Doctor can't pull it off.
  • Christmas Episode: The Christmas Special. Though nothing major happens except the reveal that the Windigos were aliens the Doctor accidentally sent back in time.
  • Composite Character: The Doctor's voice actor has stated he's based the character off a combination of the 10th and 11th Doctors, occasionally adding a bit of the 9th during serious scenes.
  • Crossover: The Doctor of Doctor Whooves and Assistant manage to pick up a transmission from the TARDIS from Doctor Whooves Adventures.
  • The Ditz: Ditzy Doo, natch, though moreso in the first episode than the rest.
    • First episode nothing. In Episode Five sees her blowing up a Cyberpony assembly line by sitting down.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Ditzy, if you can believe it. She seems very irritated that the Doctor's lack of knowledge about Equestria and ponies in general, leading to replies like this:

(To The Doctor): No, we're at the Summer Sun Celebration, and you're really weird.

    • And then, a few months later:

The Doctor: You're not as cynical as I remember you.
Ditzy: Oh, sorry, that was because I thought you were crazy and kind of stupid.

Ditzy: It's smaller on the outside!

  • Disaster Dominoes: How Derpy managed to destroy an entire Cyberpony construction line with her butt!
  • Earthshattering Kaboom: The Cyberpony homeworld after Celestia is removed from their machine.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Regal Script
  • Feather Fingers: The Doctor is utterly (and understandably) befuddled by how ponies can apparently just stick things to their hooves after he struggles to pick up his sonic screwdriver. He gets the hang of it in the third episode, though. The Christmas Special reveals he has some struggles of the "aim for one button, hit seven" variety whilst piloting the TARDIS but as any Doctor Who fan will tell you, TARDIS piloting problems are nothing new for the Doctor.
  • Fish Out of Temporal Water: The Doctor, who is very amused at being a pony and fascinated at how the ponies work in this strange world.
  • Flat What: Ditzy's reaction to the Doctor talking about the amorality of the eating of pigs in this world, she doesn't seem to remember the concept at all.
    • Ditzy does it again when the Doctor explains how he accidentally brought the Windigos to the planet.
    • Both Ditzy and the Doctor do it in unison during the Q&A episode when asked if they've met "Molestia".
  • Fur Is Clothing: According to the third episode, ponies have pockets on their hides, as an explanation for their occasional use of Hammerspace in the cartoon.
  • Gilligan Cut: When the Doctor tries to talk Ditzy into going into the Everfree Forest to go after Nightmare Moon, she keeps telling him he's crazy. Until...

The Doctor: We can have muffins afterwards.
cut to Ditzy and the Doctor wandering in the forest
Ditzy: How did I get here?

  • The Gump: The Doctor carries this trait over from his series, where it's revealed that he accidentally set in motion the events that would cause the founding of Equestria.
  • Have We Met Yet?: Luna apparently knows the Doctor, even though they haven't met yet from his perspective.
  • Hero of Another Story: The Doctor and Ditzy's adventures run side by side the canon ones. For example, the first three episodes take place during "The Mare In the Moon - Parts 1 and 2" and episode four takes place during the Winter Wrap-Up, with scenes of Doctor Whooves from the episode used as reference for what he's doing. The Christmas Special takes place just after the end of the play in "Hearth Warming Eve" and reveals the Windigo's presence in pony history is the Doctor's fault.
  • Last Second Chance: As the Cyberpony homeworld is about to explode, the Doctor offers them a chance to redeem themselves and he'll save their planet from destruction. They turn him down, and he sadly leaves them to perish. He laments after watching their homeworld explode in the distance.
  • Jumped At the Call: When the Doctor asks Ditzy to be his companion in episode four, she pretty much literally jumps into the TARDIS.
  • Motor Mouth: The Doctor likes to ramble quite a bit.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood: "Derpy Hooves" appears to be a meanspritied name the other ponies call Ditzy Doo; she doesn't like it very much until the Doctor says he finds it cute and melodious.
    • He spends most of episode 5 trying to convince her that "Miss Hooves", sounds better then "Miss Doo"
  • Mythology Gag: In Episode 6 preview: "Pretty soon, everyone is gonna be asking you, "Doctor Who?"" Silence will fall when the question is asked...
  • Never the Selves Shall Meet: The Doctor warns Ditzy about this, saying it could cause a Temporal Paradox.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Remember the Windigos that nearly froze to extinction all three pony tribes while they were fighting each other? They're aliens the Doctor accidentally sent back in time through a worm hole. Though, thankfully, this also resulted in the founding of Equestria and creation of Hearth's Warming Eve.
  • Obviously Evil: Regal Script. The Doctor spends some time kicking himself for not figuring it out earlier.
  • Only Sane Pony: Ditzy Doo, actually. Mostly because the Doctor is crazy even by pony standards.
  • Parrot Expowhat:

Doctor: (before realizing his transformation) "Oh, no, I can't possibly be a pony. Last I checked, I was at least Homo Sapien in appearance."
Ditzy: "Eh, homo-say-what now?"

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