Disney Universe
Disney Universe is a 2011 video game from Disney Interactive, released for Play Station 3, 360 and Wii. Players take control of small avatar-like figures (a la LittleBigPlanet) as they take on the role of beta-testers for a Disney online community. However, an evil hacker named Hex is determined to destroy this new game, so the players, dressed in costumes based on popular Disney characters, including Pixar characters, team up and battle one another to defeat Hex and save the Disney Universe.
Tropes used in Disney Universe include:
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Hex made the game like this
- Artificial Stupidity: On and off, enemies march to their doom, but will sometimes use power ups and build cannons.
- Demonic Possession: Though not a demon, Hex somehow can take over VIC and speak through him turning VIC Dark red and sharper-looking.
- Shout-Out: At least one trailer showed a player attacking a chest using a key like a Keyblade.
- Villain Song: Hex sings a rock remix of "Its a Small World" to torture VIC and the player.
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