
"Ever wish you could live in a place where people were really, truly happy"?
Bean [In Dreamland]
 "I'm sick of being happy all the time. I wish just once I could go somewhere where people are miserable".
Elfo [In Elfwood]

Disenchantment is the creation of The Simpsons and Futurama creator Matt Groening and Josh Weinstein, and was released on Netflix on August 17th, 2018. It is a fantasy fiction adventure cartoon set in a mythical Middle Ages time period and features a variety of well-known creatures of folk lore including elves, ogres, giants and mermaids, as well as it's own novel species such as Dankmirians and Maruvians, and of course, humans. It follows the twin tales of disenchantment of the alcoholic protagonist Princess Tiabeannie of Dreamland ("Bean" for short) - who rebels against her father King Zog and step-mother Queen Oona in search of happiness - and her newfound elf buddy Elfo who has exiled himself from Elfwood in search of misery. She finds herself cursed by a personal demon (daemon) Luci for reasons unknown to her (but known to the audience). As the trio embark on a quest to find the Elixir of Life, Bean and Elfo's paths are entwined in the discovery of their true identities.

Tropes used in Disenchantment include:


Malfus: Immortality is folly: those who desire it become blind to what is precious and right before them. Our daily lives, that we may live each day and say...
Laughing Horse: "Hahahahahaha!"
Malfus: You know, I'm profoundly lonely but I think you should leave."

    • This is arguably an attempt to laugh at the seriousness of the tone here, but it is none the less true as it relates to King Zog.
  • The Alcoholic: Bean is driven to drink by her father.
  • Anvilicious: In S01E08, "The Limits of Immortality"

Malfus: [Of immortality] The monotony, the repetition, the monotony, the repetition... beat ...the monotony, the repetition.

Elf King: "How can the world's greatest race be racist?"
Bean: [Stares directly to the viewer while this line is delivered after she goaded the Elf king].

Elfo: Well now we know something we didn't know yesterday!"

  • Affectionate Parody: Of the High Fantasy genre.
  • By Wall That Is Holey: a nod is given to this classic piece of cinema when an ogre falls on Elfo, only for his tiny body to fit exactly through the hole in the ogre's chest.
  • Call Back:
    • When Elfo says "screw the 'Jolly Code'" you can hear the elf called Weirdo make a creepy groan, in a call back to his earlier appearance.
    • The "King Fight" at the beginning of season 1 is called back to with a "Queen Fight" at the end of the season.
    • When Elfo pulls another lever to escape.
  • Catch Phrase:

Jester: Oh no!

Elfo: Hi, I'm Elfo! / Doink.

Luci: Do it! Do it, do it, do it! / Noice!

  • Cliff Hanger: literal one at the end of S01E01 (obviously designed to make you want to watch the second episode immediately after).
  • Curse: Luci, the demon, curses Bean in S01E01:

Luci: Princess Tiabeanie, you are hereby cursed from the deepest depths of the underworld!

Bunty: We'll scrub you right up, as clean as a child on his funeral day. Arms up! Ow, how my Charlie sparkled on this mornin' when they heaved him into the burial pit."
Bean: He's in a better place now.
Bunty: Oh yes...beat...down there with all his little friends.
Bean: Argh! Not so hard!. I'm sorry Bunty, I don't mean to be insensitive about your dead whatever, I just really don't want to marry this wealthy prince.

Bean: I hate this feeling...
Bunty: Sobriety, ma'am?

Elfo: Singing at work is not happiness - it's mental illness.

Bean: I might as well give up and accept that I'll never be anything more than a wealthy queen of a fabulous faraway kingdom...[sniffs]...it's my destiny.

  • Deconstructive Parody:
    • The whole show is this about the fantasy genre.
    • Hansel and Gretel get a disturbing cameo.
      • The deconstructed parody is Reconstructed to be worse than the original.
  • Demonic Possession: In S01E03, Luci the demon possesses protagonist Bean by jumping into her body when Big Jo arrives to exorcise him.
  • Deus Ex Machina: A griffin. Twice. When the protagonist Bean falls off the edge of the world she is surprisingly rescued by such a chimera, and again at the end as the gang sink into the sand.
  • Double Entendre:

Kissy: I can't go all the way.

Bean: A fairy? Maybe she can help us. Do you do magic?
Fairy: Sure, I've done a trick or two. What do you have in mind?

  • Dream Land: The citadel where the humans live is called "Dreamland".
    • The land of the elves - "Elfwood" - appears from another dimension and is an example of a dreamworld within a dreamworld.
  • Exorcist Head: Luci and Bean, S01E03.


  • Fantasy Kitchen Sink: incorporates as many myths, fairytales and mythical creatures as it can. It also plays with this, and lampshades it with a speech in episode 4 about the confusion which results from living in a fantasy world. (see Awesome).
  • Fantasy World Map: Foreshadowed in S01E01 in King Zog's chamber.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Bean's three wishes in S01E01 include getting her mom back, which happens at the end of S01E09.
    • The symbol on Big Joe's carriage in S01E03 and it's relation to the pendant in S01E08.
  • I Always Wanted to Say That: Played With when Luci jumps into Bean's mouth:

Luci: Hold on - there's something I've always wanted to try. [Rotates Bean's head 3 times]. So cool! I didn't even know the human body could do this!
Bean: It can't...

  • Irony: plenty of irony to go around:
  • Verbal irony:

Elf King: How can the world's greatest race be racist?"

  • Dramatic irony:

Luci's role is to steer Bean "towards the darkness" - that much the audience is let in on. Luci doesn't seem to know what she is being steered towards exactly, and Bean doesn't realise she is being so steered. Thus the audience is left to figure out the nature of what it is towards which she is being steered. The dramatic irony is that it is the unfreezing of her mother - which is one of her three wishes - who seeks the ruin of her father's kingdom.

  • Jerkass: The selfish, vain and arrogant King Zog.

King Zog: How do I look? Spiffy, right? I had the dogs lick me clean twice.


Stan The Executioner: We best be-heading to work. Hahahaha. It's an executioner joke. You'll 'ear all of them in the first 15 minutes. Then it's basically just human tragedy.

Elf King: Elfo - no! It is forbidden! [to leave Elfwood].
[Elfo pulls a lever]
Superviso: I don't know why we keep that lever there.

    • In S01E06:

[ Elfo pulls a lever ]
Bean: How did you know that was there?
Elfo: Unlike some people, I read the guide book.

    • In S01E04:

Home owner: Hey! You can't park on my lawn!
Viking: My flaming arrow says I can.
Home owner: You've got a talking flaming arrow?
Viking: What? No, it's just a regular arrow.
Home owner: Well I'm sorry. Things get confusing in a world with occasional magic and curses. And while I'm a fan of such worlds, I just feel some more clearly set out rules for what can and cannot happen would help - erghhh [shot with the arrow].
Viking: He says it's ok to park here.

Odval: Incredible! All that malarkey with the magic elf's blood actually paid off.
Sorcerio: It took all season but it did - and by "season" I mean fall or summer or whatever this is.

  • Leap of Faith: At the end of S01E01.
  • MacGuffin: elf's blood, the Eternity Pendant, and the combination thereof.
  • Meaningful Name: Luci is short for Lucifer - and is a Maru demon, similar to the daemons of His Dark Materials.
    • Parodied with all the elves having silly elfish names like Elfo, Shock-o, Superviso, Return-o ("No one returns - not even Returno!") and Weirdo (who is clearly a perverted elf) etc.
    • Lampshaded by Elfo in S01E04:

Sven: Why are there so many dead things floating in the "Elixir of Life"?
Bean: A little bug never hurt anyone...
Unnamed Viking: What about that squirrel?"
Elfo: Oh, that's my pet "Bloaty".
Sven: Wait a minute... you named your pet squirrel "Bloaty" before he died and got all bloated?
Elfo: And your name is "Sven" and you're a viking sooo we're all a little obvious here, aren't we? Come one. Drink up.

  • Moral Dilemma: Bean has to decide whether to rescue Elfo or her mother.
    • The second season sets Bean up for another: to side with her father and rescue Dreamland, or with her mother and destroy it.


  • Prince Charming: Bean wishes for a "boyfriend who is a good listener". Instead she gets
    • Prince Charmless twice. The first being the inbred Prince Guysbert, and the second being his brother, Merkimer.

Merkimer: [to Bean] I've loved you since the moment you killed my brother.

Bean: Sorry, I've lost track. What are we praying for now?
Nun: Oh for... we are praying - Sister Tianbeanie - that God might see fit to help the poor.
Bean: If you want to help the poor why don't you just melt this God guy down [points to big gold statue of God] and pass him out like coins? I mean: cut out the middle man, right guys?
Nun: Huh! Blasphemer! How dare you bring logic into the house of God!

    • Satire of royalty:

Queen Oona: Your daughter feels useless because she is useless.
King Zog: But she's hurtin'.
Queen Oona: Her purpose is to be married off to unite kingdoms. Like we do. Make offspring like Derek.


Bean: All this wedding hassle for a stupid political alliance! I thought that I'd get married for true love or because I was wasted...
Bunty: Lots of reasons to get married ma'am: I got married for a goat. Now let's hurry - the prince'll be here any minute to marry ya, and, time permittin', beat meet ya.

  • Wicked Stepmother: Inverted. The audience is primed to expect Bean's step-mother Queen Oona to be wicked, but it turns out to be her mother Dagmar which is the evil one.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: The quest for the elixir of life (as in Holy Grail) and the Eternity Pendant.
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