< Disability Superpower
Disability Superpower/Playing With
Basic Trope: Someone has a disability and a superpower that counters the effect of the dissability
- Straight: Bob is blind but has a bat-like sonar
- Exaggerated:
- Bob is blind, paraplegic, mute, but has the superpowers of Telekinesis, Telepathy and ESP, making up for them.
- Everyone that is disabled has a superpower that counters the disability.
- Justified:
- Bob has a sonar and is blind as a bat, because of a genetic experiment that gave him both traits
- Bob lives in a world where anyone can train psychic powers, naturally blind people will train to have "see with the mind" power due to sheer necessity.
- Inverted:
- Bob has a superpower that counters several disabilities, except blindness his only disability.
- Bob has a superpower which enhances something he's talented at.
- Subverted: While the sonar allows Bob to "see" in the dark, there is a book with important information that he needs to read, if he only could "hear" colors.
- Double Subverted: ...luckly, Bob has a cellphone with a camera and a friend that helps him anytime.
- Parodied: Bob thinks he has a sonar, but he is just a average blind person with a trained hear, while he tries to stop evil he often trips or runs head first in obstacles.
- Deconstructed:
- Even with his superpower, Bob has a much harder time than the average folk.
- Alternative: Bob is told that he isn't a example to blind/disabled people, because he isn't truly disabled.
- Reconstructed: ...while still is more difficult, Bob still tries and succeeds in saving the day.
- Zig Zagged: Bob's sonar is helpful for general purpose tasks, but is useless during high action fights, driving, swimming and the like.
- Averted:
- Bob is blind, and doesn't have compensating superpowers.
- Bob has 20/20 vision and a radar sense.
- Enforced: "We need a disable person, you know for the demographics, but this is a action show, he can't be useless" "I know! Lets make him blind and give him a bat sonar!"
- Lampshaded: "So... you are blind person who can see? That's convenient..."
- Invoked: "Can't you just pull some Daredevil crap and help us out here?"
- Defied: "No, I do not have super-sonar. I just have the fireball-shooting powers."
- Discussed: "So, with the sonar, does this mean you still collect disability benefits?"
- Conversed: "Hey, Bob? What do you think about his sonar power directly compensating for him being blind?"
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