< Disability Immunity
Disability Immunity/Playing With
Basic Trope: Someone is protected from harm by something that would normally be a hinderance.
- Straight: Bob the Blind is immune to Alice's mind control rays because he can't see them.
- Exaggerated: Alice the Evil's entire power set relies on her victim being able to see. Bob's friends simply lock the two of them in a room until he finally walks into her and slays her.
- Downplayed: Bob is partially sighted, which protects him from Alice's gaze attacks, but he still needs to train hard in order to be able to fight with worse than average eyesight.
- Justified: You need to see Alice to get mind controlled.
- Inverted: Alice's powers work better on someone with a disability of some sort.
- Subverted: Bob claims he is immune to Alice mind control, but then succumbs to it.
- Double Subverted: He was faking mind control.
- Parodied: Bob walks straight past Alice's Schmuck Bait trap.
- Autistic Alex can see through all of Dave's masquerades.
Alex: "Dave, is that you?"
- Deconstructed: People become aware of Alice's powers, and parents weepingly blind their children on purpose to spare them from Alice the Evil.
- Reconstructed: More sensible parents simply teach their children to function blindfolded or with their eyes closed. The Hero is blinded in an accident and becomes the only one who can actually fight while blinded thus making him destined to defeat Alice the Evil.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: Bob's blindness does not protect him from mind control.
- Enforced: We need to have Alice's pride dented as part of a Humiliation Conga. Let's have someone defeat her with a weakness.
- Lampshaded: "Who would have though a blind person would prove a threat to me! The Mistress of gaze attacks!"
- Invoked: Bob is recruited specifically to deal with Alice.
- Defied: Alice enhances her power to affect blind people.
- Discussed: "I got you now Bob!" "Huh, what? I can't hear you! I forgot my hearing aids today!"
- Conversed: ???
- Exploited: The Kingdom of Freedonia encourages disabled children to become adventurers for this reason.
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