< Dinosaur Comics
Dinosaur Comics/Characters
A dinosaur who gets really enthusiastic about ideas. Appears in all six panels.
- Bi the Way: He had dinosaur sex with both Utahraptor and Dromiceiomimus.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs
- Fetish: Specifically, a recurring sexual interest in 1920s flappers.
- Also in entropy spontaneously reversing itself.
- Genius Ditz: He is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he knows all the tropes and writing conventions known to man, as well as obscure details about science, programming, linguistics, and history.
- Hearing Voices: It's never clear whether God and the Devil are actually talking to T-Rex.
- Keet
- Pals with Jesus: He seems to be well-acquainted with God.
- Ted Baxter
- Tyrannosaurus Rex
T-Rex's somewhat saner friend and comedic foil. Appears in panels four and five.
- Better as Friends: Early on in the comic T-Rex had a brief sexual fling with Utahraptor. But they both seem to be more comfortable as just friends.
- Deadpan Snarker: Often.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs
- Invisible to Gaydar: He has interests outside of being gay?
T-Rex's supportive (that is, less aggressively critical) friend. Appears in panel three.
- Women Are Wiser: She tends to be much more sensible than T-Rex.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs
- Token Girl
Creator and maintainer of the cosmos. Seems to have a lot of free time.
- Cool Old Guy: He seems happy to banter with T-Rex.
- The Voice
The Devil
The Adversary. Very serious about videogames.
A very small insect with problems.
Mr. Tusks
An elephant afflicted with island dwarfism. Vice-mayor of Tiny Towne.
- Pungeon Master: But only a little bit.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Especially remarkable when one considers that he never appears on panel.
The Tiny Woman in Panel Four
- They Killed Kenny: T-Rex stomps her in every comic.
- Throw the Dog a Bone: It was a fan comic but she Took a Level in Badass, blocked Rex's foot and kicked him in the face.
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