< Dino Crisis
Dino Crisis/YMMV
- Contested Sequel - Dino Crisis 2 split the fans, with some praising the Actionised Sequel aspects while others criticised the lack of Survival Horror elements from the first game.
- And then part 3 came along and blew that little fracas clear out of the water.
- Crowning Music of Awesome - The soundtracks are great, especially the second one. Try the save room theme from both games, or the final boss theme from the second as standout examples.
- Demonic Spiders - Therizinosaurs, or Therizinos, the outrageously powerful, pot-bellied dinos in the first game that roam in pairs and love to block narrow corridors. If you don't have any poison darts, get ready to see the inside of their stomachs many, many times.
- Evil Is Sexy - He's a jerk, a murderer and a monster, but Dr. Kirk is also quite handsome.
- Fanon Discontinuity - Dino Crisis 3, especially by those fans who were disgruntled that it never addressed the second game's cliffhanger.
- First Installment Wins - More people know about Dino Crisis than about its sequels.
- Goddamned Bats - Any raptor that follows you from room to room will quickly become this, since you most likely fled them in order to restock on ammo.
- Hell Is That Sound - ... click ... click ... click ... hiss.
- Jumping the Shark - Possibly during Dino Crisis 2, but the series had definitely jumped it by the time of Dino Crisis 3.
- Most Wonderful Sound - Listen to The Save Room Theme; you can just hear the sighs of relief as it starts up.
- Narm - Like many other Capcom games, the series voice acting can dip into So Bad It's Good. "That's no lizard. That's a dinosaur."
- Nightmare Retardant - The compsognathus hordes from the first game. It is implied that they are Zerg Rush enemies and Not-So-Harmless Villain, but they are pitifully easy to defeat with the handgun and make a faintly amusing squeak each time one gets shot.
- The oviraptors from the second game. They spit venom in a manner similar to the Dilophosaurus from Jurassic Park, but are just too comical-looking to be taken seriously (They still have a knack for pissing off anyone gunning for that No Damage bonus, though).
- Sequelitis - As stated in Recycled in Space on the main page, Dino Crisis 3 wasn't as well received as previous games partially due to the fact that the only connection it had to previous titles was that it had dinosaurs (of a sort) in it.
- Squick - The bodies and bloodstains left around for the hero to find. While the onscreen animation is fairly dull, it's a particularly squicktastic idea to raid dead bodies for keys and Apocalyptic Log entries.
- That One Puzzle - The keys for the medal box in the Chief's room.
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks - The sequels, in the eyes of their detractors.
- They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot - Dino Crisis 3 could have been a chance to cover the cliffhanger ending of the last game, but it did not.
- Too Good to Last - The series as a whole has been put on freeze since Dino Crisis 3, much to the disappointment of its fans.
- Villain Decay - Because of the increasingly powerful guns you can get in Dino Crisis 2, dinosaurs (that in the previous game were unstoppable opponents who you could only run from) became pitiful bullet magnets who came at you in droves and were still harmless.
- The best example is the Allosaurus, a difficult, time consuming, tricky thing to try to take one on when you first meet it. Then you get an anti-tank rifle or a missile pod, and how WONDERFUL it is to finally turn the tables on those scaly bastards!
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