Dino Boy
A web comic series written by K.E. Detwiler. Formerly called The Adventures of Dino-Boy and The New Adventures of Dino-Boy, Detwiler eventually settled on the overall name Dino-Boy. Unlike most other web comics, which have a daily updating storyline, Dino-Boy is published more like a comic book series, with a new "issue" out every other month or so.
The series revolves around the actions of Evan Nedelka, otherwise known as the superhero Dino-Boy/the Dinosaur, a Biological Mashup who received his powers through an accident in the local natural history museum, and his younger sister, Halle Nedelka/Blue Jay, a Badass Normal who wears an anti-gravity vest. The story started out with the young heroes in grade school, but a subsequent Time Skip now has the characters as young adults, attending college. While at first glance the series seems to be about Evan and Halle fighting crime, most stories feature An Aesop about life, the universe, and stuff like that.
The series itself can be found here.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Mirage's computer system.
- Badass Normal: Blue Jay.
- Biological Mashup: Dino-Boy, the Monkey.
- Dino-Boy becomes even more of a mash-up when he becomes Chaos Dino Boy, gaining various parts from different dinosaur species.
- Church Militant: Testament, in case the name didn't already give it away.
- Clothes Make the Superman: Blue Jay's anti-gravity vest.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Richard Kranley. Then he gets elected mayor.
- Friend to All Living Things: Talon, though its justified in that she can talk to animals.
- Love Is in the Air: The villain Heartbreaker's method of pulling off crimes.
- Hard Work Hardly Works: Used pretty straight with Dino-Boy and some villains, but strongly averted with Blue Jay, who trained herself to impressive levels, and invoked with Night Owl.
- Heroic BSOD: Dino-Boy has a looong one of these when he unlocks his Super-Powered Evil Side and nearly kills his sister and the Big Bad of the original series. In fact he becomes a pacifist for most of the Time Skip, only becoming a superhero again when the story starts back up.
- Knight Templar: Once again, its Testament
- Sense Freak: Part of the reason the villain Night Owl (no, not that Nite Owl), became evil.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: When Monkey nearly beats Talon to death, Dino-Boy finally snaps and turns into Chaos Dino Boy, an unrelenting monster covered in spikes, armor and all sorts of other nasty implements. And he has no qualms about ripping his enemies to pieces. Luckily Dino-Boy manages to revert back before killing the Monkey.
- Time Skip: Between the original Adventures of Dino Boy and the current New Adventures of Dino Boy. Between the two, most of the cast of the original cast hangs up the cape.
- Unstoppable Rage: Chaos Dino Boy.