< Digimon World 2

Digimon World 2/YMMV

  • Anticlimax Boss: The Chaos Lord built up to be the evil prince of Digimon that the humans were forced to flee to another continent from. Yeah, he is just a Machinedramon Palette Swap who spends most of the fight guarding or using weak moves. Does not help that he is fighting alone in a game where 3-on-3 battles are standard. Neo-Crimson is not much better.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: First Boss Battle/Rival Battles
  • Game Breaker: Attacks that cause Confusion. Confused Digimon may attack themselves or their allies, or in some cases (depends on the tech set), not make any move at all. If the player confuses all three of the opponents, the player wins. The only ways to fix Confusion (well, players can use items, but the computer cannot) are with the Friendly Fire attack, which the computer is rarely seen using, or Anti-Confusion, a much safer alternative but consumes more MP.
    • This would be the case if Confusion did not wear off whenever it wanted too. And it will usually wear off for the computer before it would a player, sometimes on the same turn it was confused. Also, bosses are immune to Confusion.
      • The player can also avoid damaging the team if they instruct the Confused Digimon to use an Interrupt attack. It will attack the same way a non-Confused Digimon will.
    • The attack Duo Scissor Claw is the real game breaker here. It lowers Defense and damages an entire enemy team at the same time.
  • Good Bad Bugs: Chrono Breaker, if successful, can literally break tech behavior depending on turn order, but it is more advantageous to the player if it is the enemy team that uses the Interrupt. It can easily set off Counter Attacks' effects without the user being hit and make random-target techs hit the entire party instead.
  • Needs More Love
  • Nightmare Fuel: OverLord Gaia's Face shows only for a split second, but getting a good glance at it makes you realize how evil he really looks, even sporting a permanent Slasher Smile.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: See Level Grinding, Luck-Based Mission and Game Breaker.
    • Among others, recruiting certain Digimon. It requires the player to fire gifts at them in the field. Then battle and defeat them, but the gifts are separated by the three types. Only the team the player chose will have gifts available for that type. It is not until the Device Dome that the player can reliably get Digimon of the other two types and even then you are restricted to low-level gifts for a large part of the game.
      • Also, due to the aforementioned variation in enemy Digimon movement, depending on the kind of Digimon you want, it can be really hard to be able to fire enough gifts to get them to join, as they move towards the player's Digi-Beetle too fast. Unless the player happens to catch them stuck behind a trap, but that is very luck-based.
  • That One Sidequest: Trading Garurumon for MagnaAngemon requires either using rare (at that point in the games) and expensive gifts in order to recruit a wild one. Or training the player's own Garurumon which is both time consuming and almost guaranteed to be more powerful than the Digimon you get in return. Bonus points if the player managed to get Garurumon's Palette Swapped cousin Gururumon and thought they were the same since it almost impossible to have seen a Garurumon prior to the trade offer.
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