< Digimon Tamers

Digimon Tamers/Fridge

Fridge Logic

  • On a lighter note--for a given value of lighter--there's the fact that hacking into the D-Reaper's signal televised the final battle to everyone in Japan, including from inside the Tamers' biomerged forms. In other words, potentially millions of people--including friends and relatives--have seen our heroes naked.

Fridge Brilliance

  • Digimon Tamers is made of this trope; but there is a specific comment for episode 44 that stands out "... T-The way it goes all red here (in the train scene during Takato's confession) I can't stop thinking that this is us seeing the J-Reaper sending a live feed back to the D-Reaper. Fffffuuuuuuuuu D: And now it's listing off chemical compounds the reaper can use to keep Jeri alive while she's in there ... O-oh god I'm creeping myself out."
    • In Tamers there is something called "matrix evolution". It's either a reference to a sci-fi movie orto the matrixes in mathematics, especially considering that by combining two matrixes one obtains the so called "matrix identity".
      • One use of matrixes is in physics, namely to model electronic clouds (in short, atoms and molecules). To have such a name associated with a process to convert a digital model to a real molecular structure would be quite a coincidence.
  • The shows' title as well as the show that the children watched - for an explanation when the children in this series got their d-arcs they immediately refer to themselves as "Tamers", now as anyone who has actually played the games or owned the V-pets could tell you "Tamer" is the word they use to refer the child who partners with a digimon in the manuals of the V-pets, and what they also refer to the human player character as in the games. Now consider the theme of this series as well as how Jenrya and Ruki met their Digimon.
  • Why didn't the kids try the digivolution cards earlier? Mid way through the series, the kids try slashing "super evolution" cards; they digivolve, but only to adult. It stands to reason that they had tried before but it didn't work; after digivolving a few times, they were pretty confident that it would work; it is heavily implied that the cards work because of the kids slashing them (thus Juri/Jeri not doing anything to Guilmon despite using Takato's D-Arc), and only Takato would still have the cards with him.
    • Finally, note that the tamers don't have a direct control over digivolution unless they use the cards, unlike the the Digidestined/Chosen Children.
  • Why were there some digimon in the city, if the Tamers were killing them? Before they're deleted by Shaggai/Juggernaut, the Tamers had agreed on fighting those that needed to be fought, rather than because they're sopposed to. So, they spared those that weren´t violent.
  • In the Tamer's movie Battle of Adventurer's, how could some digimon be so easily defeated? as our war game showed us, digimon copies are more fragile than real digimon (which is why only the real Diaboromon/Diablomon survived), likely due to lacking something (a digicore?), but still having it's innate abilities.
    • In the aforementioned movie, Guilmon uses a fireball underwater, this was odd, until I realised that the Tamer's digital world has no atmosphere. Thus, the fireball is not dependent on outside air(there is none). Being a chemical fire, it burns until it consumes itself. This also made me realise that Digimon (at least in this season) don't breathe.
  • When the Tamers Biomerge, they lose all their clothes, and are... missing something. Sure, probably just Barbie Doll Anatomy, right? Then in a later episode, Renamon says that digimon don't have genders. When the Tamers Biomerge, they become digimon themselves. There is no Barbie Doll Anatomy. What you see is exactly how they look throughout the time of the Biomerge. They've lost their genders, so there's no need to censor anything, because there's nothing there.
    • Though in the original Renamon actually said something closer to "Digimon aren't divided by gender", implying that there are male and female digimon, but gender has no bearing on their position in society.
  • Those who want another reference to a certain sci-fi movie, remember that the D-Reaper is an antivirus data deletion program, and that it attacked humans and digimon; i.e, considered that they were inherently destructive. Now which villain from "The Matrix" said so specifically, like D-Reaper Agent 01? Bonus: Both resemble what they are trying to eliminate.
  • "takatomon"? Guilmon's nickname for Takato early in the dub? extremely subtle foreshadowing for matrix evolution. or maybe I'm reading too far into this. - bobofwoggle
  • Culumon is the catalyst of evolution given form in order to be sent to digital world. Of course, it wouldn't make sense for the Digimon to make themselves weaker and send their own power where themselves couldn't reach... unless (and note this is the only logical reason) there was something that would attack the digimon if they got to strong. The fridge hits when you realize that the very first scene of the series Foreshadows the D-Reaper's appearence and nature, solely through Culumon's very existence.

Fridge Horror

  • In Digimon Tamers, D-Reaper is basically a giant recycle bin. So every time you delete something, you're FEEDING AN ELDRITCH ABOMINATION! Now, consider the contents of the average Internet dweller's hard drive. D-Reaper may get the occasional innocent lolcat or text file, to be sure, but by dataweight, you've got to conclude that it's made up mostly of discarded porn. Eldritch indeed.
    • This just makes D-Jeri all the more creepier.
  • There is the possibility that the D-Reaper cannot be defeated. It can be reset to a smaller form, but as long as we use data, it will exist to keep it from getting to big, and once it gets too big for the data, it can escape the digital world and assault the real one. If we stop using data, we have quarantined the digital world to die, and of course cannot use technology ourselves. If we do, we could run into the same problem down the line, without any way to fight it. It's basically Sin from Final Fantasy X, only there is no other way.
  • When Takato first had Guilmon digivolve into Wargrowlmon, we find out that his and Guilmon's Psychic Link has grown to the point where he can feel Guilmon's pain. Near the end of the series, it's established all the other Tamers who can Matrix Evolve can also feel their partner digimon's pain. There has also been several instances with ALL of the Tamers that suggest that they all have some form of Psychic Link with their partner, only with differing degrees of strength. What do you think that means for Juri whose partner was killed and absorbed by Beelzemon?
    • This can actually lead to even worse observation; after watching the scene, one has to conclude that Juri's shock is so great, it even makes the physical feeling of getting impalled through the stomach insignificant.
    • The change in the psychic link only occurred after biomerging. Juri never biomerged with Leomon, thus if she had one (and it doesn't look like anyone did before then) it would have been at it's lowest level.
      • Takato was special, since he actually created Guilmon and so their connection was deeper right from the start, to the point where he felt the link right since episode 14 even as guilmon was still a champion. And he isn't the only case; even though his link is stronger, in the fight against Indramon (even before they get to the digital world) the trio get noticeably winded due to their partners, making it obvious that biomerge is a result of a deep link rather than the other way around. Of course, the argument that Jeri's bond with Leomon simply wasn't deep enough still stands, since she was never specifically shown to share his pain.
      • Well, thank God the strength of the "link" varies, because the second I read that...well, remember that we have three Tamers (Suzi, Ai, Makoto) who are little kids. Imagine how it'd be for them if the link was as strong as it was for the main trio, the twins especially!
      • While Juri's link with Leomon must have been strong since they understand and try to help each other in the four months they've spent together, I'm absolutely sure the twins didn't physically feel a thing (although watching beelzebumon on Tv getting shreded mustn't have been pleasant) since they didn't have a digivice yet. On another note, we've also found yet another reason for antylamon not going to the final battle.
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