< Digimon Adventure

Digimon Adventure/Fridge

Fridge Logic

  • Digimon escape into the real world and generally ruin everyone's day. But then next season, no one seems any the wiser to their existence. In a subversion, Gennai explains that he and his clones have altered/deleted the saved data in the networks/computers to hide the facts
    • Still didn't change the fact that hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of people saw the battle with Apocalymon that was projected onto the sky!
      • Between the time difference and the shortness of the final battle the sky being weird didn't really last that long. Also keep in mind that only a few of the kids parents, not even all of them, had any idea of what was going on. As far as the population is concerned weird things happened and then they stopped and that's as far as they can put it together.
    • Izzy's parents do know about Digimon, however. Yet in 02, the Digimon pretend to be stuffed animals in his house to not freak out his parents. Matt's dad still remembered, at least.
  • In the episode when Izzy is trapped in Vademon's Pocket Dimension, we see Izzy form some letters of the alphabet with his body "to help cleanse his thoughts". Thing is, even though we don't see him do it, it's implied that he did this with ALL the letters in the alphabet. Which begs the question: how the HELL can anyone make a W shape with their bodies? Or a B, or an M...hell, how did he make most of the letters?!
    • In the same episode, Vademon takes Izzy's curiosity and tries to sell it. There are several other curiosities nearby. That would make Vademon the owner of a literal Curiosity Shop.
  • Wizardmon's act is actually a strange example of the Taking the Bullet trope. Most instances of Taking the Bullet involve leaping in front of the character, making it a Diving Save minus pushing another out of the line of fire. There's a bit of Fridge Logic here when you think that there's no possible way Wizardmon could have gotten there fast enough to be standing square in front of them, as he was blasted several meters away, severely beaten and exhausted, moments ago. Fridge Brilliance if you think this is simply the result of another strange power he has. (Super speed or teleportation; the sheer number of powers he has compared to other Digimon could stretch the imagination to imply he had either.)
    • Either that or A Wizard Did It.
    • For that matter, how did Wizardmon even take the bullet to begin with? It's not like the attack was a bunch of dive-bombing bats that stop or explode on impact. It's a cluster of bats that attack by flocking to a designated target and presumably biting it, and the bats are either controlled by Myotismon or at least smart enough to recognize and aim for their target. If Wizardmon just jumped in their way, they should have just ignored him and swarmed Kari like Myotismon intended.

Fridge Brilliance

  • Why is Gatomon's base form her Champion level as opposed to Rookie, like the other partner Digimon? Digimon digivolve over time, leading to characters like Leomon that are in higher forms by default. Gatomon was alone in the Digital World for so long, she evolved naturally to Champion before she finally met Kari.
    • I always figured it was because Myotismon beat her a lot, thus she became stronger as a result... though that's messed up on its own.
  • Apocalypsemon came from beyond the Wall of Fire. In other words, a firewall.
  • Despite withstanding heavy fire from Andromon, Angemon, Angewomon, and Birdramon directly before that, Machinedramon is "sliced like an onion" in one attack from WarGreymon. This makes sense when you notice he has the word dramon in his name. This means he's still weak against WarGreymon's Dramon Destoryer claws. WarGreymon just needed a little boost from Kari to get the job done.
  • How can we tell right away that Izzy was adopted? Neither of his parents have red hair like he does.
    • Seeing as red hair is an extremely rare recessive trait he still could have been their child and not adopted.
      • Which, seeing as Koushiro (Izzy) is a genius, he most likely knew that, leading to him not questioning his parents.
  • Why was Devimon taking control of other Digimon with the Black Gears? He knew of stronger Digimon than him like Etemon and Myotismon and he needed an army to stand up to them!
  • While everyone knows that the Crest-digivolutions are powered by, well, the crests( T.K shows Hope, Tai shows Courage, and so on) It took this troper a few watches to realize that the first set ( baring the Digivolution to rookie) also follows the Crest patterns. Tai is brave and tries to distract Shellmon. Matt shows loyalty/friendship, swimming out to save T.K, and the other kids. Sora shows love by leaving safety to protect Biyomon, Joe takes responsibility for the others, Izzy uses his big brain to figure out how to "hack the digiworld", Mimi is sincere in her desires to help the others/ doesn't back down/speaks her mind and T.K was the team's last hope against Devimon.
  • Why are WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon smaller than their Champion/Adult and Ultimate/Perfect forms, despite being Agumon and Gabumon's final forms? Perhaps due to the Square-Cube Law, which dictates that creatures of smaller size have more proportionate strength and speed compared to creatures of larger size, which actually matches well with WarGreymon's official bio saying that its speed and power have rapidly increased upon evolving.
  • All of the kid's Digimon are based on household pets children can afford, even Palmon (as certain plants such as cacti are often kept as pets in one's home).

Fridge Horror

  • By their very nature, Digimon are Made of Iron and very hard to really hurt, much less scar for life. Somehow, Myotismon managed to do it to poor Gatomon. It's rather sad to imagine how he managed to do that.
    • Considering that time goes faster in the Digiworld than the real word, thousands of years have passed between the Highton View Terrace incident and Adventure. It's entirely possible that Gatomon had been enslaved by a brutal vampire for decades if not centuries.
  • Re-watching through the first season after 10+ years, this troper realizes that Skullgreymon basically KILLS the Greymon that Etemon sent to defeat the digidestined. ** Please, they kill Digimon all the time (though usually evil ones) and they get reborn in Primary Village, so there's nothing to worry about. Unless they die in the real world
  • Time issues aside, virtually every Digimon that died in the show will eventually be reborn and potentially Digivolve to their iconic forms at some point in the future due to the data reconfiguring loophole. This is Fridge Horror for two reasons. First, this means that evil Digimon like Devimon and the Dark Masters could eventually return, much like Etemon and Myotismon did. Secondly, Digimon that died on Earth, with the glaring exception of Venommyotismon a.k.a. Malomyotismon, could not recompile and reconfigure their data, meaning that Pumpkinmon, Gotsumon and (as we learn in Adventure 02) Wizardmon are pretty conclusively gone.
    • Piedmon is forever trapped in the Gate of Destiny though, and Machinedramon (aka Zeed Milleniummon) is currently part of Cyberdramon.
    • Not all Digimon who were evil when they were alive will still be evil when they are reborn. Also, who said that Pumpkinmon, Gotsumon and Wizardmon are gone?
  • MetalGreymon is stated to have the attack power of a nuclear warhead, a weapon designed to destroy towns and cities, and there are numerous Digimon equal or more powerful than him. What do you think would happen if the kids, or anyone really, were to use Digimon for wars?
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