< Digger


Jhalm: "Honoured Burrower. Skulking though the woods I see?"
Digger: "Is there a law against it?
Jhalm: "Several. But as you are unlikely to be either poaching or soliciting the sale of unnatural acts, I doubt we could make the charges stick."

  • Any scene that has Boneclaw Mother in it will be either this trope, or a Crowning Moment of Awesome, or a combination of both.
    • Grim Eyes learns her awesome grandma (or whatever she is) really isn't magic:

Grim Eyes: Okay, he's coming this way. Do the thing! Do the thing!
Boneclaw Mother: What thing?
Grim Eyes: The thing where you tell people what they're thinking and freak 'em out!
Boneclaw Mother: Grim Eyes, I love you, but you don't have the brains the gods gave an eggplant. The thing only works on people you've lived with for years who think their motivations are a lot better hidden than they really are.

Digger: You want me... to ride... the troll.
Surka: Sure! They're quicker'n a greased porpoise in a sea o' snot!
Digger: That metaphor did nothing whatsoever to sell me on the idea.

  • Also pretty much anything to do with Herne, but especially this.
  • Grim-Eyes talking about Shadowchild asking everything they hunt if they can talk, and mentioning that it thought a fish flopping on her line was doing a form of interpretive dance.
  • Digger and Shadowchild whispering to each other as they're cornered by the hyenas:

Shadowchild: Now what happens?
Digger: Well, I can probably take two, and if you can take one, that only leaves five that will have to suffer simultaneous heart attacks.
Shadowchild: Will that happen?
Digger: No.

  • The hyenas declaring Digger a pervert, Digger's bewilderment at this, and Shadowchild's confusion.

"What's a pervert?"
"Tell you later."
"Am I a--?"

Ed: Ed is thinking Ed is being a little scared of heights...
Digger: Lucky for you, we're so far underground that you'd have to tunnel a half-mile straight up to get anywhere near a height.
Ed: Ed is not being comforted, somehow...

Murai: Honored Digger!
Grim Eyes: Earth rat!
Boneclaw Mother: Freaky adopted daughter!

Murai: Honored Digger, my senses are not quite reliable... do you also see a team of lizards hauling on ropes forcing a giant suspended heart to beat?

Digger: Yup.

Murai: I had hoped it was the madness. This is horrible.

Digger: And inefficient! Man, a couple of pulleys in the right places, and they could have halved their labor.

Murai: *Death Glare*

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