Die 2 Nite
You should be.
Die 2 Nite is free Zombie Apocalypse browser-based game made by Motion-Twin. The website is here and the game is out so go play! Players get assigned to a random town of forty people and must work together to survive against the nightly zombie attacks.
The game has existed for a long time in its French and German incarnations, both of which contain many experienced players. The creators have been working very hard to stop the three fanbases mixing (See Broken Base bellow).
Tropes used in Die 2 Nite include:
- After the End: All that seems to be left of the world are a handful of surviours populating a few sparse holdouts in an endless desurt filled with legions of hungry zombies. The situation is just as hopeless as it sounds...
- All or Nothing: The Emergency Buildings are pretty effective, but only last for one night, leaving the town with less workforce and resources for the following day.The aptly-named "All or Nothing" building gives a massive defense boost, but destroys every item in the town's possession. The Garbage Dump is similar, but allows players to control which items to sacrifice at a higher resource price.
- Anti-Poopsocking: Each player only gets a handful of AP each day to explore or build things with. Lost AP can be restored with items, but only by a limited amount each day. Also, out in the world beyond the player will have to wait 2 hours before being able to search a location again. Fortunately, the game does an auto search even if the player isn't logged in, allowing them to collect supplies while their Real Life self goes about their daily business. Just don't forget to return to town before the gate closes...
- Apocalyptic Log: Among the items that can be found there also are diaries, documents and notes left by the now-undead inhabitants of the zone.
- The forums can also be considered one, as messages aren't deleted after a player's death, and it's thus common to read the last messages left before their demise.
- Awesome but Impractical: Several of the things the town can build or upgrade are this, such as:
- Gallows. It doesn't cost much and provides a unique death, but there are more effective ways to deal with troublemakers that don't waste valueble AP.
- Scanner. Gives the town a better idea of how many zombies are going to attack each night. It does not, however, actually change the number of zombies that will attack, which means the AP and resources are better spent on actual defencive constructions. The amount of zombies appearing each night also increases in a fairly steady and predictable pace, making it redundant for veteran residents who can often accurately predict within a small marrigen of error what the town will have to face.
- Berserk Board Barricade: Averted. It takes many people contributing their Action Points to construct the town barricaded (although you can upgrade your home by yourself).
- Actually, there is an item, the Makeshift Barricade, that you can use instantly giving 1 and 0.5 Defense to your house and your town respectively. Won't completely subvert a night's outcome, but every little bit helps.
- Booze-Based Buff: Alcoholic items will restore your AP, but a hangover the next day and the fact that booze is somewhat rare will prevent most players from using it too much. Still, its a great thing to have if you've already drunk your water ration and eaten food that day and need some AP to get back to town.
- Bragging Rights Reward: The Crow Statue. It costs 300 AP, 35 patchwork beams, 3 pieces of human flesh, and does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help the town in any way. Why is it a very rare blueprint then? It gives anyone still alive at its completion a few rare distinctions... and that is it.
- Bribing Your Way to Victory: Players can pay to enter Hero Mode.That pretty much triples the game content they have access to: special house improvements, more classes, special powers, passive bonuses...
- Cool and Unusual Punishment: Some of the things towns can do to residents they don't like could count as this. The individual players also have plenty of options for pulling one of these on a disliked citizen.
- Crapsack World
- Curb Stomp Battle: How the developers chose to end the Beta. They advanced every single town to day 666, which meant every town was now facing an onslaught of up to 400,000 zombies that night.
- Turns out this didn't end the beta like everyone expected. It just gave everyone insane amounts of soul points and bumped them up to the veteran towns.
- Cyanide Pill: One of the avalible drugs. See Press X to Die below.
- Death Is a Slap on The Wrist: When you die you just start over again in a new town with thirty-nine new friends (although depending on your actions you may have earned "soul points" or hero mode.
- Somewhat averted in that, while it may not be that bad for you, it could potentially screw the rest of the town's chances of survival.
- Doomed Protagonist: Every player.
- Downer Ending: Your town will die. The only question is how long you can survive.
- Eat the Dog: Mentioned often. There is even a statistic to keep track of how many pets you've killed.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: You probably will.
- Fire-Forged Friends: There is only one real motivation for you to all work together; you all want to survive. Fail to gel as a town, and you probably won't last much longer than three days. If you last a while, though, you may feel quite an attachment towards your townmates.
- Fun with Acronyms: The decoration score is given by the Committee for the Upkeep of Neat and Tastefully-decorated Shacks (formerly known as Working Association for Nicely Kept Shacks
- Gag Penis: The Giant BRD.
- Griefer: As this is a game based around co-operation and survival it is very open to griefing. People can steal from the town supplies to upgrade their own home (usually considered a banishable offence) or intentionally get caught in hordes of zombies to waste time and medical supplies.
- Though, sometimes griefing is (partially) justified if the town is doomed to be destroyed shortly, as the griefer is eliminating potential competitors for the "Last Man Standing" title.However, this is still frowned upon by most.
- An usual action by griefers is to open the town's gates seconds from midnight in the early days.Expecially in the third day, when the Horde is large enough to wipe the town out in one attack.
- The game itself contains various content both to aid griefers (poison to sneak in other's rations) and counter them (A lock to prevent the gate to be opened, gallows to hang undesirable people)
- Guns Are Worthless: Literally in the english version of the game. Due to a bug or an oversight the item "Handful Of Bullets" doesn't ever appear in the world beyond, even rarely. This makes any type of firearm a player finds useless since they can't load it with anything else or make their own bullets at the workshop...
- Hit Points: Averted. There are only three health-related statuses: Normal, wounded and infected. A wound becomes an infection after one day, and if you are infected you have about a 50% chance of dying each night.
- Hard Mode: The French version has Pandemonium towns for expert players, where the rules are severely rigged against the players. Citizens turn into ghouls every other day, zombies can destroy buildings, water reserves are lower, the chances to survive an infection are halved, and so on.
- Now (Season 4) the English version has Hardcore towns
- Heroic Sacrifice: As much as there are griefers in this game, there are also people who lay their lives down on the line for others. This is can end badly.
- Human Resources: "Ok, do we all know what a crematorium is ? Do we also know what a barbecue is ? Well then, it's easy to guess what purpose a Cremato-Cue serves. In any case, it means we don't die of starvation...well, some of us !"
- Also, the Meaty Bone and Human Flesh can be eaten (although they may infect the eater if not cooked) and human bones can be used as weapons.
- Not to mention that the Cemetery upgrade allows the use of cadavers to improve the town's defenses. You're surviving the Horde by piling your dead companion's corpses on top of the walls
- That's nothing... the new Shaman class can use their SOULS to protect the town.
- I Ate What?: Several consumable items. There is one such item that even advises seeking medical attention if injested!
- I'm a Humanitarian: Players can easily become this... many are forced to eventually for one reason or another.
- Joke Weapon: Pretty much 80% of the weapon zombies can be fought with.Box cutters, can openers, water guns, live snakes...
- Lethal Joke Weapon: You'd be surprised how effective some of these weapons actually are when used against the zombies.
- Kill It with Water: Even a lowly water balloon can wipe several zombies off the map... but you'll have to use up a plastic bag and your water ration to make one.
- Last Stand: One of the survivors who survives until the last night will be selected to be a hero in his next game.
- Level Grind: Averted. The only bonuses are given by being in hero mode, which is a temporary boost.
- Armageddon Witnesses also got a few perks after said event wiped out almost every town in the game.
- Luck-Based Mission: What the game is at its most basic level. It doesn't matter how skilled a player you are as how much luck you have. You could easily get stuck with a town that only has a few heros, a town that doesn't work well together, only find useless items when searching, become a random victim if someone forgot to close the gate, have your internet go out for a few days and cause you to die from dehydration dispite collecting your daily water ration... the list goes on and on...
- Made of Explodium: Mobile phones. People use them in game as GRENADES.
- Mr. Exposition: the Crow, offering advice (and snarky comments) to all citizens every day.
- Nakama: The coalitions.
- Nonstandard Game Over: Towns can build a Nuclear Reactor if so they wish, but if it's not repaired every day, it will istantly destroy the whole town and all survivors, even the ones out in the desert.
- No Zombie Cannibals: Averted. "Stopped by the town's defenses, your ex-cohabitants left empty-handed and gnawing on each other's putrified carcasses."
- Our Zombies Are Different: Well, for one thing they die from a water balloon to the face or being shot with a squirt gun...
- Powered By A Forsaken Resident: The new Shaman class uses the souls of dead residents to defend the town. Hey, at least if you die you can still be of use to your friends, right?
- Press X to Die: Taking a Cyanide Pill will kill you instantly on the spot. Since the goal of this game is to survive as long as possible this was likely just included to give players one more different way to die.
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Any given town.
- Rain Dance: The Shaman class can perform one of these if he has enough red souls. Naturally, its a great way to kill a bunch of zombies due to their weakness to water.
- Scavenger World: To get items for the town (or yourself) you must venture out into the desert to scavenge.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: When the zombie horse seems to be overwhelming, there usually are two things left to do:try to get as much built as possible and hope the horde doesn't wreak havoc on the town...or run away and camp until dehydration or an infection get the better of you.
- Shows Damage: In an interesting way.By "looking" at a citizen you can see him/her begging for water (Thirsty), cough up blood (Infected) or act violently (Addicted)
- Socialization Bonus: If a town doesn't work together it will not last past the initial few days.
- Soul Power: Season 5 has come with a brand new hero class: The Shaman. He has the power to detect souls in the world beyond, capture them to protect the town with, and even upgrade them into red souls.
- Take Your Time: If you're surrounded by a horde of zombies you can just can just sit down and away rescue. You will not actually be hurt unless you try to flee or stay with your zombie pals till midnight.
- Talking Is a Free Action: Not only is talking a free action, but each town gets its own forum for members to discuss matters as much as they like.
- The Dev Team Thinks of Everything: one of the Hero's special skills is sending a message to all other living citizens.In the (pretty unlikely) case that there is only one survivor in the town, and he/she decides to send a mass message, they will be replied "You are alone. Nobody is going to answer you, give it up. Anyways, what does it matter ? You are almost certainly going to die tonight..."
- The Many Deaths of You: In a game where you're doomed to die anyway, at least you can die in various different flavors: eaten alive, infected, dehydrated, poisoned, hanged...each of them comes with a colorful artwork and a detailed description of your last moments of life.
- The Maze: A rare blueprint lets you build one of these to use against the zombies, but you'll need 1AP to bypass it and get back into town.
- The Stoner: Drinking alcohol (or receiving a blow to the head) will cause people to say random things in their posts.
- The Wiki Rule: The Die 2 Nite Wiki.
- Turns Red: The Cemetery upgrade fortify the town's defences based on the number of dead citizens.Meaning that a town that is whittled down to 10 people will receive a whopping +300 Defense bonus.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Water is lethal to zombies.
- Zombie Apocalypse: Obviously.
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