Diddy's Kong Quest

A Fanfic adaptation of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest starring Diddy Kong and Dixie Kong. It can be found here.

Tropes used in Diddy's Kong Quest include:
  • Abnormal Ammo: Diddy and Dixie each wield one of the peanut popguns from Donkey Kong 64. The coconut cannon is also mentioned briefly.
  • Alliteration: Going beyond the games it is based upon: eight of the ten chapters have titles that are the (already alliterating) names of the world they cover with some extra words added. A few examples are Crashed in the Crocodile Cauldron, A Kiss in Krazy Kremland, Kongs Causing Chaos in K. Rool's Keep. Chapter six takes this Up to Eleven with Interlude Involving Infuriating Indecisiveness, Immolation by Insects, Inability to Intervene in Improper Immersion in Ichor, and Illogical Investigation in Illboding Apiary.
  • Amusement Park of Doom: Krazy Kremland. The rollercoasters are described as "not all of [them] were always completely lethal to all those who rode them."
  • Battle Couple: The two main characters.
  • Convection, Schmonvection: Unlike the original game, Averted with the Crocodile Cauldron and the lava level in the Lost World. Both of them are described as a complete hell, and the only way Diddy and Dixie survive them is by staying far from the lava.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Dixie.
  • Damsel in Distress: Dixie, in chapter 6. Chapter 7 and 8 focus mainly on her, probably to allow her to regain her Action Girl status afterwards.
  • Oh Crap: In chapter 10, when Diddy sees some Zingers approach them.
  • Rhino Rampage: Both times Rambi appears, he does this. He even quotes Star Fox Adventures the first time: "Get on my back. Let's do some damage!"
  • Shout-Out: Quite a lot of them. To Star Fox Adventures, Monkey Island, Star Wars, and probably some others I missed.
  • Totally Radical: Funky Kong.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Diddy and Dixie never met the mysterious technician with the sly voice, nor do we learn what happened to him. Since the author has stated he's going to write a sequel, this may be a Sequel Hook. Or it may be a cameo by Snide from DK64.
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