Di-Gata Defenders
A Canadian action/adventure/fantasy animated television series created by Greg Collinson with Nelvana Entertainment, Di-Gata Defenders currently has 52 episodes and is airing the Ethos Saga (Season 2) as of Fall 2007. In North America, this show is aired on Teletoon (Sundays at 7:00 AM and 10:00 AM, and weekdays at 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM) in Canada and on Fox network's 4Kids TV block as of July 28, 2007. Internationally, the series airs on the Cartoon Network for Australia, Maori Television for New Zealand, the series also airs on the Astro Ceria for Malaysia, Hero TV for the Philippines starting November 3, 2006 and Jetix for the UK starting August 25, 2007 and Kix! for the UK starting September 29, 2008.
The series follows the travels and adventures of six teenage children, part of an organization called the Di-Gata Defenders. Their mission as heroes is to defend the planet Ra Dos against evil factions. Seth, Melosa, Erik, Kara, Rion and a Sixth Ranger must defeat the evil Lord Nazmul and his Order of Infinis before they take over Ra Dos. The team meet many friends and allies along the way but also encounter enemies. Knowing just who is friend or foe is vital if the Defenders are to succeed in their mission.
The series was originally broadcast from August, 2006 to September, 2008. A total of 52 episodes in two seasons.
- All There in the Manual: SeeHere The creator frequently answers fan questions.
- Ancient Conspiracy
- Animesque
- Applied Phlebotinum
- The Atoner: Brackus tries to be this. It doesn't work.
- Big Bad
- Bishonen (Arguably the younger Brackus)
- Body Horror (the Ethos, and how)
- Bounty Hunter
- The Chosen One
- Dark Action Girl (Lady K'Tahsh)
- Dark Magical Girl (again Lady K'Tahsh)
- Darker and Edgier (the series as a whole)
- The fact that it takes place in a partially-devastated world should be anyone's first clue.
- Xtreme Kool Letterz
- Family-Unfriendly Violence: (One episode has a character boiled alive in lava. Another is stabbed to death)
- Five-Man Band: (Seth the leader is The Hero and operates as a Team Dad, Melosa is arguably The Chick and a pretty awesome Magical Girl. Then we have Erik, The Big Guy and a Gadgeteer Genius. Rion is the team's Bratty Half-Pint with a Super-Powered Evil Side, Kara is Erik's little sister and his Morality Pet. She also doubles as a Cute Bruiser.)
- Gadgeteer Genius (Erik, just Erik. Techno-geek is an apt nickname)
- Goldfish Poop Gang: Malco and Flinch. The former is actually pretty strong, but isn't too smart... Unless he gets possessed, however.
- Handsome Lech
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Kara is voiced by Rini
- Human Aliens (the people of Ra Dos)
- Hunting the Most Dangerous Game ("Hunter and the Hunted")
- Killed Off for Real (the series doesn't shy away from onscreen deaths, even for main characters)
- The Lancer (Adam)
- Loads and Loads of Characters (especially in the second season)
- Magic A Is Magic A (use of the Sigils and their upper level the Power Sigils)
- Magic Users (The titular Defenders, and other Casters)
- The Mole
- Oblivious to Love: Played with. See, in the past Brackus and a princess named Torash were in love. However when the Ethos invaded their land, Torash was kidnapped and presumed killed. In reality she was just turned into Lady K'Tahsh . Brackus still carries a torch for her, although she has no memory of it.)
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits (the Defenders)
- Sixth Ranger (Adam)
- Space Opera
- Those Two Bad Guys: Once again, Malco and Flinch (don't expect the former to do much talking, though).
- Tomato in the Mirror
- Will They or Won't They? (Seth and Melosa versus Adam and Melosa)