A successful trilogy of Bollywood action-comedy films, released in 2004, 2006 and 2013 respectively. All of them follow Mumbai supercop Jai Dixit (Abhishek Bachchan) and his partner Ali (Uday Chopra) in their pursuit of supposedly unstoppable thieves. Dhoom features Kabir (John Abraham), leader of a local gang of motorcycle-riding bank robbers. Dhoom 2 has Aryan a.k.a Mr. A (Hrithik Roshan), an international art thief and master of disguise. Dhoom 3 introduces us to Sahir (Aamir Khan), a circus owner on pursuit of revenge against the bank that ruined his family. Plot Holes abound, but they possibly get away with it by taking Refuge in Audacity.
Do not confuse this with Doom, or even a Bollywood knockoff of Doom.
Tropes used in Dhoom include:
- Badass Biker: Kabir
- Badass Driver: Any character who operates a vehicle.
- Beta Couple: Ali and Monali
- Buddy Cop Show: Jai and Ali
- Or Ali and Sheena, depending on the movie.
- Chase Scenes: Include Lost in a Crowd, Hot Pursuit, Suicidal Gotcha, and lots of Slo-Mo Big Air.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Ali. He is quite silly and a Casanova Wannabe, but put him in a motorized vehicle and his competence shines.
- Dance Party Ending - The credits of the first one, as the sequels' have more of Item number feel on them
- Designated Hero: Jai
- Disney Death: Kabir in the first one, Sahir and Samar in the third one. Subverted with Aryan in the second one, as he pulls such a number but somehow managed to survive.
- The Ditz: Monali
- Fake Defector: Ali in the first film
- Faking the Dead: Aryan
- Fan Service: Constantly. Occurs as often with male characters as female characters.
- Faux Action Girl: Shonali. Despite investigating Aryan's case for two years, she still doesn't know his thieving pattern. Jai figures it out within seconds.
- Victoria has also this running on her.
- Femme Fatale: Sunehri
- Foe Yay: Jai has this with both Kabir and Aryan.
- "I like your confidence." "I like you."
- "That's impossible!" "I love the impossible, Officer Dixit."
- Fridge Logic: Who was flying Aryan's helicopter if he allegedly has no accomplices at that point of the plor?
- "Get Out of Jail Free" Card / Karma Houdini:: Aryan and Sunehri, though they do nothing to deserve it.
- The Glasses Come Off: Jai in the first film. Referenced with his sunglasses in the second, by which point he's apparently gotten contacts.
- Gratuitous English
- He's Just Hiding: played straight with Aryan
- High Heel Face Turn: Sunehri. Subverted in that she ends up with Aryan, who is technically the bad guy. Although, by this point, he is considerably more sympathetic than the police chasing him.
- Impossible Thief: Aryan embodies this trope.
- Incendiary Exponent
- Leitmotif: one of the most famous in the industry
- Master of Disguise: Aryan, whose disguises run the gamut from Latex Perfection to Paper-Thin Disguise
- Meet Cute: Subverted. Ali does this with Sweety, Sheena, Shonali and Victoria, but none of them return his affections. He meets his one mutual love interest via completely ordinary means.
- Named After Someone Famous: The villainous owner of the Western Bank of Chicago, Warren Anderson, is named after the infamous director of Union Carbide at the time of the Bhopal Disaster.
- No Name Given: Kabir, Sheena, and Sunehri don't even have last names in the credits. Aryan does, but it's never given during the film, and his first name isn't revealed until after Intermission. Averted with Sahir, which introduces himself to Jai by his full name.
- Not So Different: Jai and both Aryan and Kabir.
- Perma-Stubble: Kabir
- Police Are Useless: Jai seems to be the only competent person on the Mumbai and Chicago's police force- and even then, his competence is questionable, since he never manages to actually catch any villain (but only because they are all self-disposing ones).
- Russian Roulette: Aryan forces Sunehri to play this. Turns out to be Fake Roulette.
- Samus Is a Girl: Sunehri's and Victoria's introductions.
- Sidekick: Ali
- Stuff Blowing Up: "Dhoom" is an onomatopoeia for an explosion. Yeah. These movies are so action packed that even the title is exploding.
- The Mole: Sunehri
- Theme Song Reveal: Upon rewatching, Aryan's lines in "Dil Laga Na" make the next scene's Love Makes You Crazy less abrupt.
- Third Person Person: Sunehri
- Traintop Battle
- Villain Opening Scene
- What a Senseless Waste of Human Life: Uttered almost word for word after Kabir's suicide.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?
- Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?: Aryan's assorted gadgets.
- Worthy Opponent
- You Fail Physics Forever: Everywhere, but perhaps best exemplified by Jai's entrance in the second film. He emerges on a jet ski from underwater at high velocity, soars through the air, and lands safely on a boat.
- Actually, while the jump onto the boat may still be pushing it, those 'jet ski's' actually can go underwater for quite a while. Good luck holding your breath though.
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