Deuce Bigalow

A pair of comedy films starring Rob Schneider as a male prostitute.
Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo: (1999), directed by Mike Mitchell. Deuce Bigalow (Schneider) is a down-and-out fish tank repairman who couldn't land a date to save his life. He is called upon one day to examine an exotic fish belonging to high class male prostitute Antoine Laconte (Oded Fehr), and he determines that it is sick. Antoine asks him to stay at his house and take care of it while he is away. While he is doing so, Deuce ends up smashing the fish tank. In order to raise the money to buy a new one, he decides to masquerade as Antoine, only to find that some of his clients are a little... off-beat. Critical reception to this one was lukewarm to negative.
Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo: (2005), directed by Mike Bigelow (yes, oddly, the director shares the same first name as that of the director of the first one and the same last name as that of the character). A Serial Killer in Amsterdam is going around killing male prostitutes. Deuce heads there to spend some time with his pimp, T.J., from the first film, only for T.J. to end up being suspected of the murders. T.J. implores him to find the real killer by re-entering work as a gigolo and visiting former clients of those murdered, who likewise turn out to be an oddball bunch. Critical reception to this one was OVERWHELMINGLY negative, mainly on account of its woefully immature, stupid and frequently rather disgusting Toilet Humor. It is probably best known for a brilliantly cruel Take That levied against it by Roger Ebert; after Patrick Goldstein of the Los Angeles Times criticized the film Schneider threw a hissy-fit and said that Patrick hadn't won the Pulitzer Prize and therefore wasn't qualified to criticize it. Roger Ebert pointed out that he himself had won the Pulitzer Prize and therefore was qualified to criticize it, and to that end, stated simply: "Mr. Schneider, your movie sucks."
Compare Hung, of which the plot is almost identical.
- Abhorrent Admirer: Pretty much every female character in these films except the love interest in each.
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Averted both times - one has a wooden leg, the other has neuroses that outdo the first movie's Tourettes Girl.
- Band of Brothels: The Royal Order Of European Man Whores.
- Big Beautiful Woman: Averted in the first film with "Jabba the Slut". And we have no way of knowing with that tall chick.
- But Not Too Black: Invoked in the second movie, when one of the disguises TJ adopts is really just facepaint that darkens him a little more.
- Butter Face: The chick from Chernobyl in the 2nd movie.
- Butt Monkey: Deuce, big time.
- But You Screw One Goat!: Deuce really, really loves fish...
- Completely Missing the Point: In the second movie. Deuce recommends two of the... more Abhorrent Admirers to a plastic surgeon, helping their self-confidence in a more direct manner. They go for boob jobs instead.
- Covers Always Lie: European Gigolo is set in The Netherlands but the poster shows Italy.
- Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon: In the first film, Deuce has a misunderstanding with a bartender which results in the following masterpiece deadpan one-liner from Norm Macdonald:
Bartender: Ahh, perhaps you don't understand. Ahh... if you don't pay me now, I'm going to uhh... take this swizzle-stick, and uhh... I'll be shoving that right up your pee-hole.
- Department of Redundancy Department: The first movie's title.
- Also a case of Did Not Do the Research - all gigolos are male.
- Extreme Omnivore: Parodied with TJ - he's eating regular food, but where it comes from...
- Freestate Amsterdam: The second film.
- Hey, It's That Guy!:
- You can't get more high-class than a gigolo descended from Med'jai.
- The investigator from the sequel is the bad guy from The Fugitive.
- High Class Gigolo: Antoine in the first movie. The second has an entire organization of these.
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold: Deuce, of course.
- Insistent Terminology: The phrase "manwhore" instead of "gigolo", which is maintained in both movies
- Inspector Javert: Both movies have different ones. Especially the second one, who's really the Well-Intentioned Extremist.
- Misfit Mobilization Moment: At the climax of both movies, involving all the Abhorrent Admirers (less so in the second).
- Mistaken for Gay: As a Running Gag, this happens to T.J. repeatedly in the second film.
- Mythology Gag: Rob Schneider would get a LOT of mileage out of the line "that's a HUGE bitch!"
- Never Trust a Trailer: The poster above for European Gigolo, shows Deuce in Pisa, Italy. He never goes there; he goes to Amsterdam.
- Platonic Prostitution: What Deuce actually wound up doing. This proves crucial later on, as he gets arrested on and subsequently acquitted of prostitution charges.
- Pocket Protector: Jabba the Slut is saved from a crossbow bolt by the piece of chicken she had stuffed in her shirt.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: One Abhorrent Admirer in the second movie is really just The Pig Pen.
- Stuffed in The Fridge: One-legged Kate from the first movie.
- Super OCD: One of the clients (and the love interest) in the second film has it.
- Toilet Humor: The second film. To paraphrase Richard Roeper, it's "the cinematic equivalent of a bunch of 13 year old boys in a locker room repeating dirty phrases they've just learned."
- Tourette's Shitcock Syndrome: One of the clients in the first film has it. So Deuce takes her to a baseball game, where everyone is already cursing anyway.
- Retroactive Recognition: Said client is played by then-unknown Amy Poehler.
- Unusual Euphemism: The second movie spams these.
- Visual Innuendo: Look at the poster for European Gigolo. What does the Leaning Tower of Pisa remind you of?