< Detective Mole
Detective Mole/Playing With
Basic Trope: A detective turns out to be a bad guy.
- Straight: Jason, a police detective investigating a murder, was working with the criminals the whole time.
- Exaggerated: Jason was the mastermind.
- Downplayed: Jason was an accomplice, being blackmailed into helping the murderers.
- Justified: Jason hoped that by pretending to help, that no one would suspect him.
- Inverted: Reverse Mole
- Subverted: Jason pretends to be a detective to get information on the police, but he undergoes Becoming the Mask.
- Double Subverted: But in the final moments, chooses to stay faithful to the crooks.
- Parodied: Jason is obviously the bad guy, always giving obviously incorrect clues and leads, and intentionally distracting the investigators from any legitimate leads, but no one seems to notice.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: There is no bad guys investigating the crime.
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: Jason worked hard to earn a badge and a good reputation as a cop just for this moment that he can commit a crime and lead the other detectives astray.
- Exploited: ???
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
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