< Destructo-Nookie
Destructo-Nookie/Playing With
Basic Trope: Coitus so violent that the result is property damage.
- Straight: Alice and Bob fuck so hard that the bed breaks.
- Exaggerated: Alice and Bob fuck so hard that the bedroom walls shatter, the house burns down, the planet blows up...
- Justified:
- Alice and Bob both have Super Strength and/or their bed is really, really old.
- Alice and Bob have very, very, very active sex drives.
- Inverted:
- Alice and Bob have tender sex that doesn't break anything at all.
- Alice and Bob manage to repair a bed while having sex.
- Subverted: Alice and Bob have really rough, angry sex that doesn't break anything, even if it looks like the furniture is on its last legs.
- Double Subverted: That furniture which is on its last legs? It collapses during the afterglow.
- Parodied:
- Alice and Bob fuck so hard that the bedroom floor collapses. Said bed, with them fucking atop it, lands in someone else's living room. Said someone else stares with wide eyes before diving out of the way to avoid any, ahem, collateral damage.
- Alice has a superpower that can only be activated while aroused. Bob deliberately molests her, not for the sex, but so that he can force her to involuntarily destroy an entire city block, making it easier for his mooks to loot and plunder. Here, destruction is the goal, not just a logical(?) consequence.
- Deconstructed: Alice loves the violent sex because she has severe anger issues that are only resolved through combative fucking. Bob, unfortunately, has almost been driven bankrupt by having to buy all the replacement furniture for the items that keep getting broken during sex.
- Reconstructed: Alice and Bob buy a titanium bedframe and reinforce the floor and walls.
- Zig Zagged: After three trips to Ikea and a letter from the super regarding cracks in the ceiling of the apartment below, Alice and Bob agree to tone things down. They do their best, but after Alice gets the big promotion neither of them can hold back and in a wild night of passion Bob ends up losing his deposit when their mutual shouting and moaning start breaking windows.
- Averted: Alice and Bob have non-violent sex that doesn't break anything.
- Enforced: The executives turned the drama into a teen sex comedy.
- Lampshaded: Snarky commentary about the destruction occurs during the afterglow.
- Invoked: ""Fuck me hard enough to break the bed!" the woman cried out as she panted with ragged lust."
- Defied: ""Slow down!" Bob pleaded with the siren atop him, "I can't afford a new bed!""
- Discussed: "Don't go barefoot in the kitchen. Those perverts pounding away next door ended up knocking my good china off the wall and I may have missed a shard or two."
- Conversed: "You'd have to deliberately break things to cause that much damage to a laundry room, and there's no way I'd concentrate enough during the act of love to do so."
There's an awful lot of fragile modern art in this room...you sure you don't want to go back to the Destructo-Nookie page instead?
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