< Despicable Me

Despicable Me/Funny

  • The glowstick.
  • There's just something about Vector screwing around with the shrink ray, and the idiotic one-liners he shouts while shrinking his BATHROOM.

Vector:"Booyah! You got shunk, tiny mouth wash!"

  • Also, what happens when Dr. Nefario mishears "cookie robots." Gru's expression just sells it.
    • Made even funnier by the end of the movie.
  • The girls messing with Gru's presentation. "I grab the moon... I sit on the toil...et- what?"
    • "Now, where were we?" "You were sitting on the toilet."
  • Gru's two imagine spots.
  • The whole midway game sequence.
  • "Cotton candy!"
  • "It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!"
  • "I said DART gun!"
    • "Oooooh... yes, well, I was wondering... under what circumstances... we would ever use something like this."
  • From a sign: "Bank of Evil (formerly Lehman Brothers)"
  • After Gru reads the Sleepy Kittens book to the girls:

Agnes: I like him, he's nice.
Edith: But scary...
Agnes: Like Santa!

Gru (to Dr. Nefario at the Boogie Robots presentation) W...Why are you so...so old?
Nefario: (beat) Ok. I'm on it.

  • Gru's facial expression and pointing over his back at hearing Vector was the one who stole the pyramids gets this troper giggling just thinking about it.
  • Early on in the movie, there's a game at an amusement park where you have to knock over a tiny spaceship prop. The reward is a stuffed unicorn (Agnes' was destroyed earlier). After around 3 or 4 tries, Agnes hits the spaceship... but the vendor decides to be a dick and invoke Exact Words, saying that she didn't "knock over" the spaceship. Gru proceeds to bring out his More Dakka gun, blast the stand, and yes, knock over the spaceship.
    • Even better: the entire stand is obliterated... except the planet and spaceship. The vendor stares at the wreckage, and the ship disintegrates.
  • "...who's Debbie?"
  • Agnes holding her breath.

Gru: ...that's freaking me out, what is she doing?

  • The little shadow puppets during the end credits can make one giggle.

Minion (talking through shadow puppet of Gru): "Hello! I am Gru. Back to work. Back to work!"

  • When Gru goes into the bank, the teller is fast asleep. Behind him, a sign which declares, "We are always alert to your needs!"
  • Two of the Minions altering Gru's credentials while Ms. Hattie is reading them. Then getting into a slap fight over what to add, causing the credentials to turn to gibberish and confusing the hell out of Ms. Hattie.
  • "Cool, mine's shaped like a dead guy!"
  • One of the side effects of stealing the moon... a werewolf turns back to normal.
  • "Rule number three: You will not cry, or whine, or laugh, or giggle, or sneeze or barf or fart."
    • "Does this count as annoying?" (puckers cheeks)
    • "VERY."
  • The minions playing with the copier.
    • "Butt."

Edith: "It was your cousins' idea!"
Minion: "WHUUUUT?!"

  • "AAARRGH, there's a squid on my face!"
  • "That's a Cheeto."
  • The gag with Nefario's mobility scooter.
  • Gru's odd "good night" to the girls during their first night there.

And don't let the bed-bugs bite. Because there are literally thousands of them. * turns off lights, starts to leave, but pauses* Oh, and there's probably something in your closet.'

  • That part with the balloon. It was just so unexpected, and somehow reminded this troper of the Soviet Itchy & Scratchy from The Simpsons. Awesome.
  • The minions go shopping for a new unicorn toy for Agnes.
  • "When we got adopted by a bald guy...I thought this would be more like Annie."
  • The Brick Joke in which Ms. Hattie mentions the offscreen box of shame, then when the three girls leave the room, they say hi to the girl imprisoned in the now-visible box.
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