< Descendants of Darkness

Descendants of Darkness/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Muraki
  • Creepy Sexy: Muraki
  • Die for Our Ship:
    • Hisoka is bashed often by Muraki x Tsuzuki fans.
    • Ironically, Tsuzuki has been bashed on more than one occasion by Muraki x Hisoka followers.
    • Ukyou Sakuraiji, Muraki's fiancee/girlfriend in the manga, gets the bashing she does not deserve.
    • And Tsubaki. Dear Gods, poor Tsubaki.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Some fans tend to ignore Muraki's worse traits to pair him up with others, like the whole mentally and physically raping Hisoka and making him die a horrible death thing.
  • Fridge Horror: May be a case of YMMV. You'll notice that when Muraki kidnaps Tsuzuki in volume 8, he's wearing his suit. When you see him next (still in Muraki's clutches), he's wearing a yukata...
  • He's Just Hiding: Muraki, after the Kyoto Arc; he makes a couple spectral cameo appearances in the manga which lead some to suspect he's capable of astral projection.
  • Launcher of a Thousand Ships: See Ho Yay above -- everyone, but especially Tsuzuki. There's enough backstory, mental trauma, and suggestive panels in this series to give canon backing to pretty much any ship. Take your pick. There's Hisoka, Muraki, Tatsumi, The Count, Hijiri, Byakko, Touda...
  • Mind Game Ship: Any relationship involving Muraki, played fairly canon with Tsuzuki.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Volume 11 of the manga, all the way through. There's a reason it's rated M+. Wait, it's not? Well it should.
  • Wangst: Tsuzuki wangsts a bit much over every single person's death considering that he's an ancient god of death. Actually explained in canon: he feels so much pain over each person's death because he doesn't think that someone who committed suicide has the right to end the life of someone who wants so much to live.
  • The Woobie: Most main characters qualify to some extent. Except Muraki.

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