Denjin Zaboga
Denjin Zaboga (tranlated into Electro-Man Zaboga) is a Tokusatsu show made in 1974. The story revolves around Yukata Daimon, a Secret Police agent who returns to Japan after he learns of his father's murder. Discovering that the criminal organization SIGMA is responsible, the Hot-Blooded Yukata vows to bring the organization and it's head, Dr. Akunomiya, to justice. To help him in his quest, his father posthumously gives him Denjin Zaboga, a powerful robot who an transform into a motorcycle. Using a helmet with a microphone attached, Yukata can order Zaboga to transform, utilize special attacks or deploy a small secret car or helicopter from his body. Yukata is joined by a younger agent Ken Matsue, and with his bazooka armed bike, Zaboga gets the form Strong Zaboga to fight a new enemy, the Dinosaur Army.
A remake movie is scheduled to open October 2011.
- Badass: Daimon manages to PUNCH THROUGH STEEL to knock out a Mook in episode 1!
- Death by Origin Story: Yukata's father.
- Hot-Blooded: Yukata fits this to a T.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: episode 40 brings us Strong Zaboga
- Monster of the Week
- Nigh Invulnerability: Yukata seems to have this thanks to electrodes implanted into his body after a car accident when he was young.
- Transforming Mecha: Zaboga has both humanoid and bike forms.