< Den-noh Coil

Den-noh Coil/YMMV

  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Plenty of those. One of the best examples is Isako's virtual beatdown of Daiichi and his entire gang in Episode 4. Then there's the final arc which is basically one big CMOA for Yasako with help from Megabaa.
  • Fan Preferred Pairing: The artists from Pixiv and the rest of the fanbase seem to be supportive of Yasako and Isako, leaving Haraken to die for their favorite couple.
  • Les Yay: Yasako and Isako, most notable in the finale.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Nekome manipulating Isako to the point of Mind Rape.
  • Nightmare Fuel: loads of it.
    • The Nulls, even after we discover what they actually are.
    • Obsolete Space.
    • The floating 2D walls of the ghost town.
    • Miss Michiko, the queen of Uncanny Valley.
  • Needs More Love: Despite its high production values with a compelling storyline, interesting characters and the fact that it won several prizes, the series garnered little attention in the anime community.
  • Puppy Love: The kids and their puppy love is so cute!
    • Fumie tends to disagree.
  • Tear Jerker: The four-episode-or-so-long endgame is just loaded with them.
    • The end of episode 13 also counts.
  • Ugly Cute: Densuke, Oyaji, and probably even Searchy.
  • Villain Decay: Searchy starts out as something of an Implacable Man and gradually becomes less and less of a threat with the appearance of Isako and more advanced illegals, being eventually abandoned for a less-friendly 2.0 version.
  • The Woobie: Haraken, and later Isako.
  • Paranoia Fuel: Augmented reality works by processing input from cameras and other sensors to insert images of things that aren't really there. The glasses could well have sensors in them, which explains how it works when their pets are in front of them, but we regularly see the pets moving about where no one is looking, and they can observe and react to events that no glasses-wearing human was watching. They're used to spy on other glasses-wearers, as well, and they seem to do this just by looking at their quarry. So there must be sensors all over the place... even on private property, because the pets can walk around your home while you're not looking. Searchy is polite enough to ignore this, but a bunch of script kiddies have learned how to make their pets use those sensors to track your every move.
    • For the cyberbody separation of the Coil phenomenon to work there must be a constant overlay of the digital body on top of the real one when looking at someone through the glasses (same with making someone invisible - the glasses don't just add digital information, they are replacing everything you see). When Daichi first discovers his "beard" (which is only visible through the glasses) he is naked in the bathroom. For this to work there must be a server first capturing then rendering his naked body.
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