< Demon King Daimao

Demon King Daimao/YMMV

  • Accidental Innuendo: "You are going to be his first. Isn't it nice?" Poor Junko.
  • Nightmare Fuel: When Akuto gets pissed and uses his powers to twist people's legs and break them like twigs with lots of blood gushing out, it's more than a little cringe-inducing.
  • Freud Was Right: Junko is horrified when she sees Keena squeezing a squirming "spotted sea cucumber," only to have said entity spit a thick white substance all over Junko.
    • To make it worse, if you know anything about a sea cucumber's defense mechanisms, what it spat out was probably its guts.
  • Funny Moments: The Sea Cucumber scene. Poor Junko
    • Then the picture at the end of Episode 5, the expression on Akuto's face is priceless.
  • Memetic Mutation: Sort of. Anyone mentioning "Color Wars" will understand what you're talking about.
  • Moment of Awesome: In episode 5, Akuto fights a dragon... WITH HIS BARE HANDS!!
    • Episode 11 It starts with Lily attacking an entire army and ends with Akuto (with help from the wounded principal) lifting the gunship they drop onto him... Oh wait, I forgot Junko finally abandoning her Lawful Good attitude for her love of Akuto and drawing her Empathic Weapon!
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