Defender's Quest
Are you a fan of Puzzle Quest? Are you thinking "Man, I just have to play another game that's an RPG mashed up with some other genre!"? Then boy, do we have the game for you.
Defender's Quest is an indie game created by Level Up Labs that blends the addicting gameplay of a Tower Defense game with the story and tactical depth of an RPG. The game begins when Azra, the royal librarian of the Ash Kingdom, contracts a plague that turns those infected into horrifying monstrosities known as Revenants and is thrown into a plague colony known as The Pit as a result. Fortunately, she quickly discovers that, not only is she immune to the malady, but the infection has gifted her with strange powers that allow her to fight against the Revenants.
A very extensive demo of the game, consisting of the entire first two (of seven) acts, can be played for free here. Once you've beaten that, you can purchase the full version (and very handily transfer your save game from the demo to it) here!
- The Atoner: Bakal
- Blood Knight: Slak
- Boisterous Bruiser: Slak
- Changed My Mind, Kid: Ketta
- Golden Ending: Receiving this requires a perfect during the final battle as well as not allowing Zelemir to be harmed.
- Easy Levels, Hard Bosses: The sheep level on higher difficulties.
- Elite Mooks: Cultists.
- Enemy Mine:Zelemir fights alongside Azra during the final battle against Eztli-Tenoch.
- Experience Points: The game comes with an option to increase or decrease the amount of experience you gain.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Bakal and Markos can die while resealing Eztli-Tenoch at the end of the game.
- Just One More Level: Very frequently.
- Multiple Endings
- The Plague
- The Virus: Those who do not survive the plague turn into Revenants.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Eztli-Tenoch
- Self-Imposed Challenge: The game is very generous with the options it gives the player. There is nothing stopping the player from attempting to beat the game by only using hero characters or cutting xp gain in half while playing on the highest difficulty.
- Ship Tease: Slak and Ketta.
- Undying Loyalty: Markos towards Azra.
- Was Once a Man: Revenants.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Zelemir.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Azra will get this from Neru and Wenna if she decides to flee the Pit instead of confronting Eztli-Tenoch.