< Decline of Video Gaming

Decline of Video Gaming/YMMV

  • Growing the Beard: The jokes in the first installment can feel rather stiff after you've seen everything that came afterward.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: In the first installment, there is a line about how one "can't go wrong" with a Final Fantasy game. Considering how more recent installments have come under heavy criticism...
    • And also their dig at the Devil May Cry series, "Devil May Cry 4: Who Wrote This Crap?", falls a bit flat when one considers that both 3 and 4 were rather highly acclaimed, while the 2nd(which they were referencing) fell into Fanon Discontinuity, and has been edging closer to Canon Discontinuity.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: "Predicted" Old Snake years before he showed up.
    • Pretty much anything in the first one most notably how the prologue mentions that games become more story based and that replay value goes up by 250%. Sadly, the latter Is Not for the story.
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