Deceased Crab/Funny
Hey there, La-Mulanites! Let's find out what Deceased Crab's funniest moments are! Huzzah!
- Deceased Crab's reaction to La-Mulana 's Bonus Level of Hell Bragging Rights Reward. A description would do it injustice, so skip to 3:17, look away between 3:27-3:35 if you don't wanna spoil the treasure for yourself, and enjoy!
- There's also a moment a few videos earlier, where he finally makes a series of difficult jumps he spent a greater part of the earlier video trying to clear... only for his keyboard to start screwing up and send him flying into a pit. Cue Big No.
- Even sooner: After escaping from the Land of Hell after falling through two fake floors into a pit, "I'm not falling back into the Land of--"[1] *falls into the Land of Hell, followed by seven seconds of silence* "Just listen to the music and think happy thoughts!"
- "AAARG! WIZROBE MUST DIE! (pause) Get my flare gun. Get my flare gun. Now is the winter of our discontent. CATBALL, LEND ME YOUR STRENGTH!" (Also doubles as a Crowning Moment of Awesome)
- Hey La-Mulanites! Hey La-Mulanites! Hey La-Mulanites!
- He has another hilarious freakout early on, shortly after going through a difficult string of Sequence Breaking to find not the item he was looking for, but the Flare Gun.
- "A bridge. Bridge over the Ri--FGHDFGHDGHDFHFDGHGFHDFGH--BD--JFD!"
- Watch the beginning of the video for the puzzle that creates the bridge, then jump to around 5:20 for the consequences.
- "This game is not about forgiveness, or caring, or the triumph of the human spirit. This game ran over your dog when you were very young. This is that sort of game." - Let's Play La Mulana part 16
- This editor particularily likes his run-through of Cocoron, especially "Son of a...greasy...bake sale!" and, of course, the incomparable "Let's Go, Singing Ninja Tank!"
- "Why is this tapir so sexy?"
- Everything related to NBBL.
Rockin' Kats
- DC's epic freakout during his Let's Play of Rockin' Kats soon after finding out about the Bonus Level of Hell after the end credits.
"I'm Deceased Crab...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! *Willy spazzes out and jumps into a nearby water trap.
- Deceased Crab's own Memetic Mutation of one boss intro ("Clown Dog Showtime Clap Clap!") and his obsession with Mr. Kong's crotch, both from the same Let's Play, are arguably just as amusing, if not more.
- Some might say that the DC Let's Play with the absolute highest laugh-to-time ratio is... Tetris. That's right. First he plays a regular game of A-type, ranting and rambling randomly all the while.
"I guess you watch this because you don't have time for good games. Ooh, look at me, I'm gonna watch DeceasedCrab play Tetris and rant like a crazy old man. Hoo hoo, he's so funny. Why don't you say 'bake sale', DC?
- Then he switches to B-type, and tries to beat level 9-5. And tries. And tries. And tries. Does he ever make it? Watch and see.
Shadowgate (with Madamluna)
- DC and Madamluna's LP of Shadowgate, with Madamluna doing a blind run and DC acting as her navigator, as more than it's share of hilarious moments.
Madamluna: Hey, now I can take the cloak.
Deceased Crab: You COULD... *waits until she takes it*'s CURSED!
Madamluna: *loud gasp* IS IT!?!?
Deceased Crab: No.
- Probably the best part is when DC's constant leading Madamluna into traps finally comes back to bite him in the ass.
Deceased Crab: Try going to the left.
Madamluna: Okay. This little ro- *the player gets crushed by a falling ceiling.* ...what.
Deceased Crab: You forgot to check for traps. And you failed your saving throw.
- several seconds of silence*
Deceased Crab: I'll just... hit that button there. *loads state* Uh... Madamluna's having a... vocal malfunction right now. She looks pretty angry, though.
- a few more seconds of silence*
Deceased Crab: Like REALLY angry. Oka- *is cut off by Madamluna hitting him repeatedly*
The Chzo Mythos
- This YouTube comment from his LP of Trilby's Notes:
3. And lo, the Tall Man did banish the Crab to the very Temple of Hell itself. And the Crab fought desperately against the madness therein. And finally, with his body wracked, his mind flayed, and his soul crushed, the Crab reached the Temple's secret treasure. And the Tall Man warned that it was not for eyes such as the Crab's. But the Crab heeded not the warning, and seized the treasure.
And gazed upon his folly.
And the Crab knew the name of the King.
- Trilby Clones! *plays The Price is Right fail noise*
- While Headdesking can be heard.
- In the third game, while setting up the final scene, he decides to sing a little song to himself.
When the Welder comes on by
Just hold your head up high
But don't look back
Cause he's got a machete
And he will make you die
Other games
- Also, episode 20 of his Let's Play of Maze of Galious, in which he wakes up to find that the Maze of Galious logo has been replaced with La-Mulana 's and the sprites of protagonists Popolon and Aphrodite with those of Lemeza and Shorn. A nine-and-a-half-minute freakout, which can only be described as Hell Temple shellshock, ensues. He made the La-Mulana spritesheet, so his freakout was more or less fake. It was a rather convincing one, though.
- One of Deceased Crab's funniest moments was when he Let's Played Barbie and the Magic of hour after getting his wisdom teeth removed...while listening to Manowar. Did I mention that it wasn't a blind run? And he was still loopy from being doped up on painkillers?
Deceathed Cwab angwy!
- His going insane from Eversion leading into the epic slaughter-run of Iji is geting there. He's already ended up killing Iji at least twice, once in favour of a jet bike (ok, Jet Bike, but still!), and I have a feeling it's going to get worse from here.
- Also the run-through of Wacky Races with his commentary on it's weird attacks, silly levels and baddies, and the part when he gets distracted by his cat.
- "Hey DC, do you know what the best part about Arkanoid DS is?" "What?" "Gold blocks!" "GOLD BLOCKS!!"
- The lava level from his LP of Aladdin on the Genesis.
Deceased Crab: *Loses his last life...for the second time* ...Next time on Let's play Aladdin, the search for MY PATIENCE! WHERE IS IT?! NOT HEEERE!
- The. Jellyfish. Song.
- DC and Madamluna doing an LP of Deadly Towers:
DC: I'm Deceased Crab!
Madamluna: I'm Madamluna!
- During DC's StarTropics LP, where he expresses a craving for coconut milk several times before getting some and trying it on-mic at the start of one episode. He finds it disgusting and spends the rest of the video trying to get the taste out of his mouth.
- What happens when you put DC on painkillers, tear his gums apart and make him play a game involving careful manuvering? You get Minotaur in a China Shop.
Deteethed Crab: All I wanthed to do ish shell my goosh and shervishes!
- ↑ Skip to 2:54 if the link doesn't do it for you.