< Deadman Wonderland

Deadman Wonderland/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: The Forgeries, the sadistic doctor, Tamaki...
    • But standing above them all is Sakagami Toto, a.k.a. Rinichirou Hagire, the original Director of Deadman Wonderland. He reveals himself to be behind all the atrocities that have taken place, indirectly or otherwise, and treats all of them with a psychotic glee that puts Tamaki to shame.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: This. And the track accompanying it also counts as Crowning Music of Awesome.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: This. And this.
    • Pretty much all of the Ganta-Shiro moments, whether you take it as friendship or not. But then again, it just makes the truth hit so much harder.
    • "Ganta is surrounded by a bunch of idiots!"
    • This. Right. Here. Oh. Man.
    • Once a scared out of his mind child and a merciless warrior with a dead heart and soul...Oh, we've come so far.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Of the secondary characters, Senji and Minatsuki are rather popular.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Shiro (which means "white") is also the Red Man. What are two types of blood cells? Red and white.
  • Les Yay: Makina and her assistant, though it seems one-sided from the latter towards the former.
  • Moe: Minatsuki is introduced as the perfect moe archetype at first, small, shy, cute, meek, virginal, and afraid to hurt a fly. This is BRUTALLY CRUSHED INVERTED STOMPED ON AND COMPLETELY FUCKED OVER when she reveals that the whole "moe" act is just a facade, and that she's really a sadistic sociopath who likes fighting, can and will kick your ass and torture you to turn her on, and is, on the whole, a Combat Pragmatist who is really not inexperienced with pain. Even after her defeat with Ganta and she mellows out a bit, you still only piss her off if you have a death wish.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The penalty games, the Forgeries, the Undertakers, the risk of being forced to fight friends or family, knowing that there are more infected people out there and they don't even know it, showing gruesome stuff without holding back...
  • Squick
  • Tear Jerker: In his battle with Ichi and Hajime, Hitara appears to finally get some closure with his past. Makes sense in a manga like this that a Tear Jerker would occur as two psychopathic thirty-year old "children" burn alive.

"Flame is beautiful. You were beautiful."

    • Dammit, Shiro!
    • The ending theme for the anime, showing the cast's happier times. Especially the slides of Little Genkaku happily meditating under a waterfall, Nagi with his wife, and Seiji with his crew.
      • When the twins tell Hagire, shortly after throwing themselves onto Senji's blades in order to protect him, that they love him. Hagire replies, "I never loved you." And they simply smiled, and said, "We know that, of course."
    • From the anime, Shiro breaking down in tears whilst eating biscuits she was going to share with Ganta - until he punched her in the face and told her to get lost after she destroyed a data chip actually a bomb. that was a way of bringing Deadman Wonderland down in order to save his life.
  • Woobie: Any of the protagonists could make a claim, but the mother of all Woobies would have to be young Shiro. Goddamn.
  • World of Woobie
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