Dead Space: Extraction

Dead Space: Extraction is a Rail Shooter released in 2009 for the Nintendo Wii. Taking place in the Dead Space universe, it is a Prequel to the Play Station 3 and Xbox 360 game Dead Space.
On a mining colony on the planet Aegis VII, a huge red statue is discovered on top of a pedestal. Removing the statue causes the miners to hallucinate, including Sam Caldwell, who kills several of his co-workers before getting shot by security.
A few days later, Detective Nathan McNeill has called in Caldwell's girlfriend Lexine Murdoch for questioning. Coincidentally, McNeill runs into his old war buddy Gabe Weller. Weller is on Aegis VII because the ship he works on, the USG Ishimura, is transporting the statue, dubbed the Red Marker. Meanwhile, Weller has been sent to investigates the bodies of the people Caldwell killed.
Their reunion is cut short when all the corpses turn into monstrous Necromorphs, and attack the colony. McNeill and Weller, along with Murdoch another person Warren Eckhardt try to escape to the Ishimura, only to find the Necromorphs are there too.
Extraction carries several things over from Dead Space; Necromorphs have to get their limbs shot off to be killed; McNeill and Weller can hold up to four weapons at a time, which players can cycle through on the fly; ammo is limited and has to be conserved; and weapons can be upgraded with power nodes found in the levels.
The main game is a story mode broken up into levels. Completing levels unlocks a score attack mode. Doing well enough on the score attack mode unlock issues from the Dead Space comic.
Dead Space: Extraction was bundled with the Play Station 3 version of Dead Space 2, but without the comic.
- And Now for Someone Completely Different: The point-of-view character shifts a lot. At the beginning of each chapter, we get a character looking at themselves in a mirror (or something else) as a nod to the player to remind us who we're currently playing as. The most prominent main character is McNiell, a cop on Aegis VII, but we also take turns as Sam, Lexine's boyfriend who goes nuts in the first chapter, Weller, and for one level, Doctor Karen Howell.
- Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: Falls under point number 4 on the trope considering how the Necromorphs are made. McNeill has to cut off his arm after being impaled in the arm during a boss fight while in vacuum, but then fights the Necromorphs with a Contact Beam in his remaining arm while making a run for the shuttle. While Lexine takes care of Weller, Weller is sitting in a room where the biomass that has been spreading in the ship has begun to reach the location where the escape shuttle is housed.
- Canon Immigrant: Not a character, but the pistol from Downfall.
- Continuity Nod: Overflowing with them. You're essentially going through Dead Space in reverse.
- Covers Always Lie: Extraction does not star a brown haired woman fighting off the monsters. The closest there is, is Lexine, and she's a terrible shot.
- Downer Ending: As per the usual Dead Space motif. After escaping the colony and later the ship, three of the characters manage to get away on one of the working shuttles. As they leave, they pass the shuttle carrying the cast from the first game. One of the characters tries to warn them but the outgoing com is busted. As they continue, another character drifts off to sleep, then apparently transforms into a necromorph and attacks the others. However, given that they weren't dead at that point, and there was no infector nearby, it might have been just a dream. Up to you.
- As you see flashing red alien symbols prior to necromorph-cam, it's generally considered to be a hallucination. Those same symbols show up every other time a hallucination happens around the marker.
- If you look at He Knows Too Much below, it's already established that Lexine was immune to the marker; the fact she doesn't go insane is Lampshaded by the fellow survivors, who state that when around her they haven't gone insane like the colonists while on the ship. So I think this is more a Kill'Em All ending here.
- Doesn't explain why a living crewmember would spontaneously mutate though... unless he died and changed fast.
- If you look at He Knows Too Much below, it's already established that Lexine was immune to the marker; the fact she doesn't go insane is Lampshaded by the fellow survivors, who state that when around her they haven't gone insane like the colonists while on the ship. So I think this is more a Kill'Em All ending here.
- Dead Space 2 has a DLC featuring Lexine and Gabe. So, just as with Isaac, their deaths have been greatly exaggerated and the trope partially averted.
- As you see flashing red alien symbols prior to necromorph-cam, it's generally considered to be a hallucination. Those same symbols show up every other time a hallucination happens around the marker.
- Doomed by Canon: Just listing this is a spoiler itself.
- Played straight and subverted. The developing interviews and original Dead Space makes it seems like Isaac is the only survivor. Played straight when almost all of the cast dies. Subverted when we find two of the main characters survived and are on Sprawl in Dead Space 2 DLC.
- Doomed Protagonist: Just about everyone you play as.
- Down the Drain: Yes, there is a sewer level on the Ishimura. It is a big ship, after all, and all that waste must go somewhere.
- First-Person Shooter: Of the Rail-Shooter variety.
- Good Cop, Bad Cop: While they don't practice it, McNiell is noticably the calmer one while Weller is the angrier (but no less competent) of the two.
- Guns Are Worthless: The Pulse Rifle once again sucks, but unlike in Dead Space, it cannot redeem itself because Extraction's weapon upgrades only apply to magazine size. The exception is the game's two bosses, both of which adhere to "shoot the arm coming at you enough times and it will stop coming at you" logic, so the Pulse Rifle is the ideal weapon for fighting them. However, the worst gun in Extraction by far is the P-Sec Pistol, though this makes sense since it's just an ordinary pistol.
- The Pulse Rifle's alt-fire is a Shotgun, which can get all the limbs at once.
- Hate Plague: The initial effect of the Marker's presence.
- He Knows Too Much: Weller found out that Eckhardt is a Unitologist on a mission to bring Lexine (who apparently is the only one who can resist the marker) back to Earth, and was responsible for the death of the scientist who helped Lexine before, who suspected Eckhardt of being responsible for much of the mess; so Eckhardt shot Weller before he tells anyone, but as he starts giving you a speech on why he shot you, he turns his back long enough to receive a Karmic Death at the "hands" of a necromorph.
- And again, the dev team spells it out in the chapter titles. WARREN LIES. Which is a Late Arrival Spoiler since it's been three chapters since Warren betrays you before the end.
- Ignore the Fanservice: Apparently, Lexine walking across the medical bay stark nude didn't warrant your character looking at her for more than one second (from the side, in case you're wondering), though ESRB standands and its status as a Wii game may be the reason.
- Life or Limb Decision: McNeill has to cut off his arm after it is pinned to the wall by a boss Necromorph.
- Mind Screw: The end of the first level When you find out you weren't shooting zombies at all but actual crewmates while you were under the Marker's influence, making you hallucinate that they looked like zombies. Mind Screw is amped up in general from vanilla Dead Space. You can never fully trust what you see with your eyes to be real at any given time.
- Panty Shot: McNiell gets a good long look at Lexine's thong-outside-pants outfit when she bends down to pick up her helmet. For the Play Station 3 version of the game, you even get an "Enjoying the View?" trophy.
- POV Sequel
- Salt and Pepper: McNiell is white and Weller is... Middle Eastern?
- Sanity Slippage: Everyone. Everyone, that is, except Lexine and those in close proximity to Lexine, which is a plot point.
- Shout-Out: In the first level, an engineer named Sterling radios his boss Cooper.
- Space Is Noisy: Once again, averted; there's even a boss fight in near-total silence. The creature only makes noise when it slams against the ship's hull.
- Surprisingly-Sudden Death: So much it's predictable.
- UST: Between McNiell and Lexine, even though they've met in the middle of a Zombie Apocalypse, had only known each other a couple of hours, her boyfriend had just died, and he's going crazy.