< Dead Rising

Dead Rising/Tear Jerker

  • Dead Rising pits you against many psychopaths as the game progresses. Most of them are just normal people who snapped and went crazy when the zombies arrived, and the player must kill them to protect other survivors. One of them is a crazed Vietnam veteran carrying a machete, who wanders around in a hardware store. Only after fighting and nearly killing him does he reveal that he has been suffering from flashbacks to Vietnam the entire time. While this was obvious to most players, what he revealed next came as a shock: He had been out on a shopping trip with his young granddaughter when the zombies arrived, and he watched as she was torn apart and eaten by zombies. He tells you this as he hands you his wallet with a bloodstained photo of his family. After his granddaughter died, his vision "flashed white" and he starting suffering from flashbacks. He tells you this after you, the player, have just ensured his death.
  • Cletus' death. Sure, he had it coming for gunning down an innocent man, but it's hard not to pity him when he's screaming and crying when the zombie of the man he shot attacks and kills him. The horrified look on Frank's face when he dies and the sad way he shakes his head afterwards really drives it home that ultimately, Cletus was just scared and desperate to survive like anyone else, but his paranoia and trigger-happy nature ended up being the end of him.
  • Brad's Death... Or, rather, undeath, especially thanks to the somber music as he offers his pistol to Frank, hoping that he'll put him down once he turns.
  • Ending A, watching Frank fall down in defeat at the Helipad while he gets swarmed by zombies...thank god for overtime
    • No wait, forget overtime, that ending is worse because it seems Isabella and Frank are both completely screwed. Thankfully both survive this ordeal seeing as how they both appear in later titles, but still...
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