< Dead Island
Dead Island/YMMV
- Complete Monster: The Police Station Raskols, Warlord Afran, Koritoia, the Banoi Butcher, and Charon.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: Take a guess.
- Demonic Spiders: The Thug zombie. It has a good reach, swings somewhat fast, knocks you down and takes a good chunk of health off with each hit. It is also HARD to put down. If you think I'm exaggerating on their toughness: if you encounter it while driving you have to run it over at least TWICE (if you're lucky) to put an end to it. Your only saving grace is that they're much slower than a Walker.
- It's worth noting here that the Thugs, after their initial appearance inside the lifeguard station, appear regularly throughout the rest of the game as a sort of roadblock. Thugs have a habit of showing up in front of quest objectives or in major intersections, where they must be defeated in order to progress. However, using the "Analog" controls makes them a little easier to kill, once you disarm them.
- Infected zombies are a pain as well. As if dealing with a mob of Walkers isn't enough, these little freaks will charge full speed ahead, swinging wildly and quickly whittling your health to zero. While they are easy to kill on their own, they also work in groups, which becomes problematic when playing alone.
- How the hell have Butchers not been mentioned? Ridiculous damage potential, runs faster than the player, takes a lot to take down and regenerates health, while also having a knockdown attack that drains stamina, a rage mode and the ability to alert other infected? At least Infected, Thugs, Rams and Floaters have exploitable weaknesses, but the Butchers have absolutely no flaws whatsoever. Unless you have a damn good ranged weapon on hand, he will just tear you apart.
- Fridge Brilliance: Wonder why the Butchers have the bones of their arms exposed? It's because they cannibalized their own hands and forearms while in the process of turning into a zombie because of the Kuru virus.
- Fridge Logic: From the title. How does one hang themselves from the leaf of a Palm Tree? Clearly someone on the team noticed this, as box art replaced the hanging body with a zombie just standing under the tree.
- There's also loads in the actual circumstances of some of the quests. Why do you need to bring a recording to a radio tower when there's already someone there with a walkie-talkie who could easily take down and then record and play the message himself? Or being forced to fight through several Thugs to get someone morphine... when you've got a dozen bottles of prescription painkillers weighing down your pockets.
- "No, I can't use a shovel to dig graves! I need a spade!"
- Who is the money going to when you buy/build/repair anything? For that matter, why do Energy Drinks display a monetary value if you can't sell them, because you can't pick them up without using them?
- Certain continuous quests become this, especially late in the game. While it's understandable for Svetlana to continue wanting Champagne to prolong her buzz, it gets kind of hard to believe after you've given someone enough food to feed a battalion and enough water to fill an Olympic swimming pool, only to have them complain about still being hungry and dehydrated, respectively.
- Why are the half naked zombie tribal people carrying money and just where the hell are they keeping it, duct taped to the inside of their clothes? Their village is located deep in the jungle and isn't even close to a store!
- Why do Purna and Xian's outfits have large tears in them before the huge outbreak occurred, as shown in the opening video?
- There's also loads in the actual circumstances of some of the quests. Why do you need to bring a recording to a radio tower when there's already someone there with a walkie-talkie who could easily take down and then record and play the message himself? Or being forced to fight through several Thugs to get someone morphine... when you've got a dozen bottles of prescription painkillers weighing down your pockets.
- Good Bad Bugs: The weapon duplication glitch, which borders on Game Breaker territory. Not only do you no longer have to settle for anything less than your best weapon, you can casually throw it away when it breaks and pull out a new one! Or you can dupe a pile of weapons and sell them for loads of money. Unfortunately, it has been patched.
- I Read That As: "Level 12 Wanker."
- Memetic Mutation: The debut trailer went viral in a hurry, which meant that parodies were right behind it.
- Here's one(spoiler advisory) for the beginning and ending of Lost.
- Shaun of the Dead got one, too, and it's still Sand in My Eyes.
- Even worse, somebody did this with UP!
- Moral Event Horizon: The Police Station Raskols kidnapping survivors and feeding them to captured Walkers, as well as raping Jin. Koritoia attempting to murder Yerema, his own daughter, simply because she left the tribe to live in the city. Charon orchestrating the entire outbreak to begin with purely For the Evulz.
- Most Annoying Sound: Some of the responses to doing the continuous quests can become this with arguably Svetlana being the worst. SHUT UP ABOUT YOUR DAMN CHAMPAGNE!
- "Where the hell did I put that? It's gotta be around here somewhere." is just begging for a tech-remix.
- The Infected's screams, when they're not scary.
- The Thug's distinctive roar becomes this after awhile, especially if you know you don't even have to deal with them.
- Uncanny Valley:
- Living characters don't move naturally at all, lip sync is usually off, and the survivors tend to have a blank stare in cutscenes that gets more disturbing the more you look at it.
- NPCs have a disturbing tendency to have bodies that don't match their faces, either because of drastically different skin tones that may be caused by the lighting or because of having the exact same, young female body with an elderly face.
- Nightmare Fuel: Besides the trailer (which is both this and Tear Jerker), the Infected Zombies are made of this trope. Those horrible screams when they charge you, the fact that they usually come in packs, and the fact that they can take away half of your health before you can even see them.
- Some of the zombie's cries and roars are actually quite unnerving, particularly the Infected and Thugs.
- And that some Infected make a dying sound like a crying baby. Thanks, Dead Island, I really was finding it way too easy to sleep before you did that.
- No mention of the Suicider zombies? Those things are basically more ghoulish versions of Boomers. Instead of spreading bile on you, they explode on you, and while the Boomer only leaves behind its lower torso and legs upon death, this thing leaves behind its legs, lower torso... and its bloodly mangled upper skeleton.
- Some of the zombie's cries and roars are actually quite unnerving, particularly the Infected and Thugs.
"Help me..." *BOOM!*
- Outrunning most of the zombie types are fairly easy. Outrunning infected can be nerve-wrecking. Unlike the others, they don't stop coming after you until you reach a safe house or area. And how fast and how long you can run from the infected depend on your stamina. And you have low stamina.
- During the City map, there are times when you find yourself climbing for safety. You think it's all over, but sometimes, and it does happen, the infected climb up to kill you.
- The sewers can become fairly unpleasant. Trapped in tight spaces with walkers is one thing. Trapped in tight spaces with infected on your heels while you're trying to reach safety is a whole other matter.
- Early on you come across a man slumped in a literal pool of blood with floating, mangled corpses all around him. Talking to him reveals he had to kill his wife, father, and brother in self-defense after they turned.
- Playing in a dark room at night with a Turtle Beach headset is probably something that should not be done if you ever plan on sleeping. It is Paranoia Fuel and Hell Is That Noise incarnate.
- That One Level: Chapter 14. If you thought Death Is a Slap on The Wrist, be prepared to lose almost all of your money and most of your weapons on this level (as well as some of your sanity). While it may be winnable under the right circumstances, unprepared players will die most of the time (not even counting the times the Shaman gets killed because of their incompetence). However, recent patches make it far easier to deal with, especially if your weapons are fully upgraded
- The final bossfight is this as well if you're playing alone. Neverending waves of infected whilst being shot at by possibly the only enemy in the game who can actually hit the broad side of a barn. Thankfully after awhile a gate opens and you can simply sprint through it to end the fight.
- The Woobie: Jin, Yerema, and Ryder White.
- Unfortunate Implications: Apparently, one of the programmers had weird opinions. Purna has a mid-range Combat talent in her tree called "Gender Wars" that gives her a flat damage bonus to enemies of the opposite sex, which happens to include most of the enemies on the island. If you dig down into the game's code, this talent is referred to as "Feminist Whore." Someone found this and promptly posted about it on the Steam forums, prompting a speedy reaction from Deep Silver; they denied any intentional maliciousness on the part of the company and publisher and noted that it was the work of a lone rogue programmer.
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