< Darling in the Franxx

Darling in the Franxx/Characters

Squad 13

In General

  • Artificial Human: How they're created.
  • Child Soldier: All of them are just born and raised to fight the Klaxosaurs.
  • You Are Number Six: They aren't given actual names, just code numbers. The Squad 13 kids actually named themselves, thanks to Hiro.

Code:016 aka Hiro

  • Affectionate Nickname: The fact Zero Two calls him "darling" is already a sign she cares about him a lot more than her previous partners
  • Childhood Friends: He's especially close to Goro and Ichigo.
  • Child Prodigy: Subverted: he used to be one, but all of his potential tragically disappeared. This is because he was "contaminated" with Zero Two's blood and given Laser-Guided Amnesia after he befriended and tried to free her.
  • In-Series Nickname: Zero Two calls Darling, a word that the other kids don't know even the meaning of.
  • Last Second Chance: In a way. He once was a prodigy but lost this edge due to tragic circumstances, and finding Zero Two is THE chance for him to return to piloting.

Code:002 aka Zero-Two

  • Because You Were Nice to Me: In Zero-Two's harsh life, only one person was sincerely and truly kind to her. To no one's surprise, that person turns out to have been Hiro.
  • Broken Bird: The girl has BIG reasons to be the way she is.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Implied. She looks mostly human but has horns like the Klaxosaurs and it's implied she has their "blood" running in her veins.
  • Heroic RROD: Riding a Franxx with her causes this to her partners, as shown with Mitsuru. Hiro is the sole exception for some unknown reason, that is even more surprising considering he can't ride these kinds of robots normally.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: Played with. She doesn't see nothing abnormal with walking naked around Hiro, but calls him a pervert if only as a deduction once she sees he have her panties on his hand and was watching her swimming naked.
  • Lack of Empathy: Only seems to care about Hiro and hunting klaxosaurs. The rest of Squad 13? They aren't even a blimp on the radar. Until the second half of the series: at some point she has to go against Squad 13, but it's clear that she's grown fond of them and feels terrible about the deal. Even worse when her harsh early treatment of them blows up on her face.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Not only by the number of times her body is exposed, but because her lack of social skills leads her to do things otherwise could be considered sexual harassment.
  • No Social Skills: Justified. She lived kind of a sheltered life until the series began, always surrounded by adults who were more interested in testing her battle abilities instead of socializing with her or teaching her basic rules of living in society. The result is a shameless teenage girl with rebellious issues, who barely understands how to treat anyone not named Hiro.
  • Super Strength: She can throw a grown man through a room easily.

Code:056 aka Goro

  • Childhood Friends: Him, Ichigo and Hiro.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: He's in love with Ichigo, though even when he confesses to her early on and kisses her before he leaves at the end, he doesn't expect her to love him back. She eventually does, however.
  • Hair of Gold : A kind-hearted blonde young man.
  • Not So Above It All: He spends a good time ogling Ichigo's body in a swimsuit in Episode 7, and surprises the other boys in the rest of the episode by showing he's not so innocent as he looks.
  • Perfectly Arranged Marriage: A way to see him and Ichigo, since they have the smoothest Battle Couple-like partnership in the series. They're Happily Married in the finale.
  • Team Mom: A Rare Male Example, with Ichigo as the Team Dad. He's kind, calm, concerned about his friends' well-being, etc.
  • Walking the Earth: In a way, he does this towards the end when he sets out in a journey to gather whatever supplies and info he can to help Hiro and Zero Two as they fight against the world.

Code:015 aka Ichigo

  • Childhood Friend Romance: Unlucky, towards Hiro. Victorious, towards Goro.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Has quite the shades of this.
  • Hair Decorations: Her hairclip
  • Fatal Flaw: Two of them! On one hand she's a huge perfectionist, leading to being needlessly harsh on others and herself. On the other she can also be pretty self-centered at times, which causes her to antagonize Zero Two despite her contributions to the team.
  • Peek-a-Bangs: The right side of her hair is long enough to cover her right eye.
  • Team Dad: Rare Female Example, just like Goro is the male Team Mom. She's strict, by-the-rules, and wants the other kids to follow said rules.

Code:666 aka Zorome

Code:390 aka Miku

Code:326 aka Mitsuru

Code:556 aka Kokoro

  • Fatal Flaw: Not truly speaking her mind, and especially not being clear about her purposes.
  • Hair Decorations: Her blue headband
  • Innocent Flower Girl: The gentlest of the girls, and she likes hanging around their home's greenhouse.
  • Nice Girl: Subverted: she's very gentle and kind, but can be actually capable of doing not-so nice things even if she doesn't like it.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: This young lady is kind and sweet, but does not back off when she has a goal. In fact, she's among the first to begin questioning the life she and the other Parasites have lived, especially when she learns about human relationships and human reproduction, and decides that she wants to be a mother. Which comes to fruition between her and Mitsuru

Code:214 aka Futoshi

  • Big Eater: The chubbiest boy and quite the eater.
  • Gentle Giant: He's very big, and also very kind and nice.
  • Loving a Shadow: It's implied that his feelings for Kokoro may be like this, with him loving the idea of her and not the person she actually is. It blows up badly on both of their faces later: Kokoro cares for him but believes she cannot live up to his idealized image of her, which is part of the motivation for her to switch partners.

Code:196 aka Ikuno

  • Cute Bookworm: Is often seen reading.
  • Does Not Like Men: Downplayed, she doesn't loathe men per se, but does resent them because  the girl she loves, Ichigo, is straight and cannot love her back.
  • Meganekko: A cool-minded girl with glasses.
  • Straight Gay: Strongly implied to be a lesbian. Confirmed later, in a rather heartbreaking manner
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Her partnership with Mitsuru, since he's a very arrogant Jerkass and she's all but said to not be into boys. They still pilot together due to obvious circumstances.
  • Token Wholesome: She isn't exactly devoid of being used for Fanservice, but even Ichigo wears more skimpy clothing than her.


In General


  • Cool Big Sis: Towards the kids, with Ichigo even referring to her as a sister.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: She once was a Pistil, and had a huge breakdown when her Stamen died. It was so bad that she had to be given Laser-Guided Amnesia
  • Hot Teacher: She is the Parasites' manager, entrusted to take care of their professional and personal problems. She also still manages to look incredibly hot despite wearing clothes that cover well her body because of how, well, 'gifted' she is.
  • Ship Tease: She and Hachi.
  • Team Mom: Evolves into this later in the series, at the request of Dr. Franxx


  • Emotionless Boy: Far more logical and stoic than the gentle Nana. It's implied that he wasn't like this before, but had his emotions tampered with after the death of Nana's partner, which completely shattered her and greatly affected him too.
  • Eye Scream: Is subjected to this later via protecting Nana from an explosion
  • Hot Teacher: Not hard in the eye, and he also takes care of the Parasites.
  • Ship Tease: Him and Nana
  • Team Dad
  • What Is This Feeling?: Is aware of how emotionally dead he is, and that troubles him.

Dr. Franxx

  • Admiring the Abomination: The Klaxosaur Princess bits off his arm and he still seems to worship her form, in a way that is ambiguously sexual.
  • Cyborg: A good part of his body is mechanical.
  • Dirty Old Man: He grabs Nana's butt in broad daylight.
  • The Smart Guy: Is basically this for mankind as a whole, since he build the Franxx, the weapons standing between the klaxosaurs and mankind's annihilation.


  • Big Bad: It's revealed the entire conflict of the series is happening because he wants to assimilate Earth to his alien empire, and he had tried it even before mankind as we knew it existed.
  • Big Good: He's the leader of mankind. He's actually the Big Bad, as the leader of VIRM.
  • God-Emperor: Has a whole cult of personality around his person, so he counts as this.

Vice Chairman

  • Aliens Are Bastards: Much like Papa. Oh, you don't want to join our species as a collective consciousness? Die.
  • The Dragon: He is Papa's second-in-command and is fully aware of his plans, since they are part of the same species.
  • Karma Houdini: Hiro and Zero Two's sacrifice destroys the VIRM planet but he promises along with Papa to return one day. Though this may be a case of in-story Cruel Mercy, considering the circumstances.

007/New Nana

  • Emotionless Girl: She helps take care of the Parasites, but is much colder than the original Nana. For some time, anyway: she acts more kindly towards them later, due to Kokoro's pregnancy.
  • Eyes Always Shut: All the time, giving a visual cue that she isn't all that emotive.
  • Took a Level In Kindness: Initially she seems almost like a human robot, though not necessarily evil - just lawful to the core. As of the final episode, she is seen smiling and helping the Parasites to live better lives..


Code:703 aka Naomi

  • Ambiguous Situation: She had a Battle Couple deal with Hiro, which implies that she's heterosexual or at very least into guys due to how BC's work in this world. However, their partnership was pretty rocky... and at the very end she's implied to be Ikuno's girlfriend instead. Does this mean Naomi was a lesbian like Ikuno, or is she bisexual? Or was their inability to connect solely due to him being "tainted" after meeting Zero Two, and Naomi's sexuality (whatever it actually is) had nothing to do?
  • Not Quite Dead: Zigzagged. She's said to have survived an accident that took place few after she and Hiro couldn't graduate, and then sent elsewhere to recover from her injuries... but as it turns out she died in it and APE covered it up. Except she was actually alive and kept in stasis, and is ultimately awakened and given the chance to live a peaceful life..


  • Meaningful Name: Kokoro and Mitsuru named her after the Japanese word for "love", as an homage to Hiro and Zero Two's relationship.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: She looks like a young Kokoro, but with her father Mitsuru's eyes and hairstyle. In the very end, Ai's younger siblings also look like their parents: they mostly resemble Kokoro, but one of the girls is basically a genderflipped Mitsuru..
  • Walking Spoiler: She is Mitsuru and Kokoro's child, and plays an important role in the finale. Enough said.

Code:001 aka the Klaxosaur Princess

  • Big Bad: Heavily implied to be one at first, but turns out she's the Big Good instead: the entire conflict is happening because of APE and not the other way around. In fact, magma energy only seems to have triggered the second part of a war that had been interrupted by million of years.
  • Humanoid Abomination: She looks very humanoid, aside of the different color of her hair, body and the tentacles coming out of her back.Subverted because she isn't as evil as she seems to be at first.
  • Token Mini-Moe: Of the main female cast, she certainly looks the most young and has a petite frame.
  • Walking Spoiler: She has the name patterning as the Parasites but look at her title. Explaining that is one if not the most important Plot Twist of this show.

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