< Dark Water (film)

Dark Water (film)/YMMV

  • Adaptation Displacement: Not many people know that the film is based on a short story.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Several, usually during the touching "mother-daughter" scenes.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The film contains many such moments, but the biggest would have to be the climactic scene in which Yoshimi, clutching a half-drowned Ikuko to her body, desperately tries to escape in the elevator, which, despite all her efforts, absolutely does not work, and shedloads of water begins to fill the elevator. Suddenly, the door to their apartment sloooowwwly begins to creak open. Yoshimi, still desperately trying to get the elevator to work and half-paralysed with terror, can only watch as the door eventually opens and out emerges the figure of... Ikuko? But wait, if that's Ikuko, then who is in the elevator with - AAAAAARRRGGGHHHOHGODDDDD.
  • Tear Jerker: Yoshimi's Heroic Sacrifice. Also, the Distant Finale.
  • The Woobie: Yoshimi and Dahlia. Ikuko also becomes one.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Mitsuko.
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