Dark Maze Studios

An independent production company created by Ed Glaser. Dark Maze Studios is notable for having low budgets, yet creating high quality products such as Press Start, Space Ninja, Robo Girl and Ed Glaser's own review series, Deja View. Affiliate of That Guy With The Glasses.
Originally fouded as Mobled Queen Entertainment, a horror film production company. In 2005 it's distribuitor company, Custom Flix, was bought by Amazon. Mobled Queen Entertainment changed it's name to Dark Maze Studios and started pre-production on Press Start. The company's official statement on the name change is: "It was time for a format change, for a number of reasons. First of all, nearly all of the Mobled Queen movies were short – generally less than an hour long. The shift to Dark Maze represents a shift in focus toward feature-length films. Additionally, with all the horror movies we had been doing, Mobled Queen had started to seem like just another low-budget horror studio, which was never really the plan. We love horror movies and have had a blast making them, but it was time to diversify. A little image shift seemed like a good way to start that process."
Their material can be found at Dark Maze Studios' website, Newgrounds, blip.tv, and ThatGuyWithTheGlasses.com.
- Hunted
- Dead by Dawn (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari Remake)
- Dead by Dawn 2: The Mask of Conrad
- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari: Redux (With new title cards and a new Industrial score by Steve "Acrylic Flames" Wentzel)
- Night of Anubis (The Mummy Strikes Remake)
- Press Start
- Press Start: Bio Haphazard (Special short made for X-Strike Studios' Resident Horror DVD, also available on the Press Start 2 Continue DVD)
- Rampage [Korkusuz] (A cult film better known outside Turkey as "Turkish Rambo", distributed in North America by Dark Maze)
- Press Start 2 Continue
- Dial “V” for Vile
- Press Start Adventures
- Robo Girl
- Deja View
- Space Ninja
- Ninja the Mission Force
- Marathon of Fright
- Marathon of Fright: Mummy Madness!
- Affectionate Parody: Robo Girl and Press Start are made of everything the creators love about old, cheesy Sci Fi movies and video games.
- Badass Beard: Ed Glaser and Joshua Stafford have them.
- Compilation Rerelease: The Marathon of Fright DVD, which contains Dead by Dawn, Dead by Dawn 2: The Mask of Conrad and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari: Redux.
- Cultured Badass / Badass Teacher: Peter A. Davis. He is associate professor of theatre history at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has a PHD in Communication, wrote a book, From Androboros to the First Amendment: A Cultural and Political History of America’s First Play and has scaled six of the Seven Summits, with only Vinson Massif in Antarctica remaining.
- Fringe Festival: A film example. The Marathon of Fright, two two-night mini horror film festivals celebrating the world premieres of Ed's films hosted on Boardman's Art Theatre in Champaign, Illinois. The first one (Friday and Saturday, September 24 and 25, 2004) had the premiere of Dead by Dawn 2: The Mask of Conrad and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari: Redux, with a showing of Dead by Dawn. The second one, Marathon of Fright: Mummy Madness! (Saturday and Sunday, May 27 and 28, 2005) had the premiere of Night of Anubis and The Nocturnal Journal: The Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy, with showings of Bubba Ho-Tep and The Mummy Strikes.
- Keep Circulating the Tapes: Every single film before Press Start.
- Production Posse: DMS frequently collaborates with Brad Jones on such projects as the "Kung Tai Ted" series, "The Bruno Mattei Show", Ninja the Mission Force and the upcoming Cinema Snob movie.
- The Merch: DVDs, Shirts, Posters, Mugs, Mousepads, Wall Clocks, Lunchboxes, VCDs and Thongs.
- The Remake: Dead by Dawn is a remake of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Night of Anubis is a remake of The Mummy Strikes.