Dark Chao Adventures/Funny
There's a reason DJay32 was known for his comedy for a while.
- Let's start with the one that started it all. Episode one, "Chao In Space" [dead link] has a couple of average lines, but then it has this:
Guard: It says "HAHAHA! You're not invited to our party cause you're Dark Chao!"
- Actually, the early episodes count as So Bad It's Good. Episode two, "The 2nd Shade" [dead link] gives us this:
Shade: That's no Hero Chao, that's my white brother, SHADE 2!
- Episode Four, "Teacher's Pet," [dead link] has a surprisingly not-terrible gag:
Tails: The question is..... What is the square root of 28,566,744,309?
Every chao: ......
random chao: Um.... grape?
Another random chao: Amy's momma!
- "The Top 10 Ways to Get Rid of Dark," [dead link] Episode Five, shows us for the first time how Dark's lack of intelligence can be used well.
Dark: Whatever! I'm not letting a stuffed "inlaminutyd"[inatimate] object send me over to Timbuktu in a box of deep fried cockroaches! Just stop this "no sense"[nonsense] stuff, Shade! I can "hand rail"->[handle] this!
Shade: You can't even handle big words.
Dark: "Handle"?
- Episode Six [dead link] has one of the most memorable lines to come from an early episode:
Tails: Okay, class, today, we're learning about the Real World!
Dark: You mean, this world isn't real!?
- Episode Ten [dead link] gives us another one of the most memorable early-episode lines:
MP: ... I am Mephiles. And, I have a proposition to make to you.
Dark: Um... mister Phyllis, sir? How can you make a preposition? I mean... making under or over just sounds ridicu--
MP: A proposition, fool!
- The dogfight at the climax of Episode Thirteen, "Flight of the Thursday Players," [dead link] was probably the funniest the series had gotten by that point.
- Episode Fourteen [dead link] introduces the "dark" recurring gag.
Dark: Wow... it's ME!
Shade: No, it's not dark, it's shaded. Heavily shaded.
- Episode Seventeen, [dead link] being the Rashomon episode, is filled with funny moments. Like this classic, during Dark's retelling:
MP: Fools, I am fool Mephiles fool so fool you'd fool better fool start running! Fool.
- The episode to introduce recurring baddies the Beta Avengers, Episode Nineteen, [dead link] gives us Metal Speedy's badassery slipping up quite humorously.
Metal Speedy: Air boards go vroom!
- As well as an off-screen antic delivered well:
Tails: Uh... sorry, gotta go. Tail! Fire doesn't go in your mouth!
- Short Episode Twenty [dead link] has an unusual euphemism:
Chao: TAIL! KNUCKLE! What is the meaning of all this!?
Speedy: They got restless and went all Giygas on me, it was weird!
Dark: Lemme get this straight... they became pure evil itself and manipulated the dimension so you got real scared, then they became what looks like a skull and started speaking weird because their creator once walked into an adult scene when he was young then they gained millions of HP and required you to pray which made them get weak and disoriented until they became static and disappeared into nothingness?
Speedy: ... Yeah, let's go with that.
- Plus callback in the final chapter!
Metal Sonic: So... any last words before I go all Giygas on you?
- The end of the Mysterious Stardust three-parter, Episode Twenty-Three, "Return of the Daleks," [dead link] contains many attempts for a twelve-year old to deconstruct the oddness of Daleks.
Dark: HANG ON A SECOND. How can Daleks CRAWL?
- Episode Twenty-Four, "The Chao World," [dead link] the first attempt at a "long" script, wasn't that funny. But there was at least one just.. ridiculous bit that still sparks laughter:
LGS: Whoa, what's with everyone meeting up here?
Shade: Heh... I sent a flare. [1]
- Episode Thirty [dead link] has the protagonists enter a dark factory. Emphasis on dark.
Dark: Wow, it's--
Shade: You know, Dark, that joke got old the first time you used it.
Dark: --dark... yeah, I know.
- Eppy 30 also explains why there are so few funny parts for this era of episodes; Shade explains it rather eloquently.
Shade: ...DJ really has let the quality of this script drop, hasn't he?
- Episode Thirty-Three, [dead link] "Shade versus Chao part three: Petty Rivalry," has Shade in his best mood yet.
Shade: Good morning, Mister Prower!
Tails: Shade, you're in a good mood today!
Shade: Never been better! What are we learning today?
Tails: Subtraction.
Shade: Thrilling!
TODO: FINISH THIS, you're so close! ...kinda!
- ↑ I guess it's funny because at no point in the script did we see him do that or say he'd do that or hint at that, and he just says it out of the blue and so certainly.