< Dark Chao Adventures

Dark Chao Adventures/Funny

There's a reason DJay32 was known for his comedy for a while.

Guard: It says "HAHAHA! You're not invited to our party cause you're Dark Chao!"

Shade: That's no Hero Chao, that's my white brother, SHADE 2!

Tails: The question is..... What is the square root of 28,566,744,309?
Every chao: ......
random chao: Um.... grape?
Another random chao: Amy's momma!

Dark: Whatever! I'm not letting a stuffed "inlaminutyd"[inatimate] object send me over to Timbuktu in a box of deep fried cockroaches! Just stop this "no sense"[nonsense] stuff, Shade! I can "hand rail"->[handle] this!
Shade: You can't even handle big words.
Dark: "Handle"?

Tails: Okay, class, today, we're learning about the Real World!
Dark: You mean, this world isn't real!?

MP: ... I am Mephiles. And, I have a proposition to make to you.
Dark: Um... mister Phyllis, sir? How can you make a preposition? I mean... making under or over just sounds ridicu--
MP: A proposition, fool!

Dark: Wow... it's ME!
Shade: No, it's not dark, it's shaded. Heavily shaded.

MP: Fools, I am fool Mephiles fool so fool you'd fool better fool start running! Fool.

  • The episode to introduce recurring baddies the Beta Avengers, Episode Nineteen, [dead link] gives us Metal Speedy's badassery slipping up quite humorously.

Metal Speedy: Air boards go vroom!

    • As well as an off-screen antic delivered well:

Tails: Uh... sorry, gotta go. Tail! Fire doesn't go in your mouth!

    • Plus callback in the final chapter!

Metal Sonic: So... any last words before I go all Giygas on you?

Dark: HANG ON A SECOND. How can Daleks CRAWL?

LGS: Whoa, what's with everyone meeting up here?
Shade: Heh... I sent a flare. [1]

Dark: Wow, it's--
Shade: You know, Dark, that joke got old the first time you used it.
Dark: --dark... yeah, I know.

    • Eppy 30 also explains why there are so few funny parts for this era of episodes; Shade explains it rather eloquently.

Shade: ...DJ really has let the quality of this script drop, hasn't he?

Shade: Good morning, Mister Prower!
Tails: Shade, you're in a good mood today!
Shade: Never been better! What are we learning today?
Tails: Subtraction.
Shade: Thrilling!

TODO: FINISH THIS, you're so close! ...kinda!

  1. I guess it's funny because at no point in the script did we see him do that or say he'd do that or hint at that, and he just says it out of the blue and so certainly.
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