< Daredevil


  • In the Man Without Fear miniseries by Frank Miller, Matt deflects not one, but two gunshots with a stick, one of them was struck back at the shooter. With. A. Stick.
  • Born Again, what does Daredevil do when his girlfriend turns into a drug-addicted porn actress, who tells Daredevil's secret identity to the guy's worst enemy, enemy who uses all of his influence and conections to make sure Matt's life becomes a living hell?? He. Fights. On. Thats what.
  • Every fight with Bullseye:
    • At the end of the Elektra Arc when Matt breaks Bullseye's back
    • Shortly after married, when he scars the cross-hair into the psycho's forehead
    • During the Murdock Papers arc, when he threw him in front of a bus
    • Shadowland #1, when Bullseye makes the ultimate Oh Crap face.
  • At the end of the Hardcore storyline, when he beats the holy crap out of the Kingpin, thows him through a bar's window and proceeds to tell the next speech to every crook in attendance:

Daredevil: This is the Kingpin! Your Kingpin!! This is Wilson Fisk!! And I beat him with my bare hands!! And this man is going to rot in jail for the rest of his life for the hell he has made of this city!! And if I could do this to him, imagine what I could do to you, any of you!! If, from this second forward, you sell your drugs!! Rob!! or Whore!! Anywhere near my city-- If you can't control yourselves, if you can't figure a way to be productive in this life... Find somewhere else! Far from here! Far, far from here!! I am here to say: if you people so badly need some sort of Kingpin, someone to lord over you-- Well, from now on... it's me!! I am not protecting this city anymore. I am running it!! And I say: the people of Hell's Kitchen are my people. This is my territory now-- And I say GET OUT OR CHANGE! Tonight!! You think you know me?? You think you know who I am?? These are the new rules. This is how it will be from now on. Spread the word. And if you think I'm kidding... Look at the carcass in front of you-- LOOK AT HIM!!

    • Earlier in that same issue, Matt gives Kingpin a final warning before commencing the beatdown.

Matt: It's over, Wilson.
Kingpin: It's over, when I say it's over!
Matt: No Wilson, it's over [proceeds to beat seven shades of crap out of him].

  • That one time when he detected a sniper in the next rooftop by feeling the laser of the rifle's laser scope against his skin.
  • His return in Daredevil: Reborn.

Matt Murdock: I have faced my fears and came out the other side!! I AM NOT AFRAID!!

  • The dialogue at the end of the film pretty much tells us viewers of the end of Kingpin's Career.

Kingpin: You hear that blind man? They're sirens, they're coming for you
Dardevil: For me? Didn't you hear? The word's out on the Kingpin, they're coming for you. I can hear the police radios from here.
Kingpin: No...I swear I'll tell them who you are.
Daredevil: Go ahead, tell them. Tell the guys at Riker's all about how you got beat by a blind man. It'll be like blood in the water.
Kingpin: Don't you worry about that, because I'll get out.
Daredevil: I know, and I'll be waiting. Justice is served.

Cole: "You know what gives me the strength? The loss. We're alike that way, I imagine. Admit it: nobody's who a stranger to that particular pain could ever be as driven as us."

Daredevil: "Never - (throws his staff at her face, purposefully missing it by mere millimeters) - don't you ever say that to me ever again. That is a repellent statement. It's a vomitous insult to every cop -- every fireman -- every soldier alive who steps up to fight for those who can't! I am sorry for your loss! But if you genuinely believe that only the death of a loved one can motivate a human being to take up a cause... then get your pathetic, cynical ass out of my way so I can do my job!"

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