< Dancing With the Stars

Dancing With the Stars/Heartwarming

  • Whatever your feelings about casting someone who's danced for years, Jennifer Grey's emotional first waltz of the season - and Bruno's subsequent declaration that Patrick Swayze, Grey's Dancing co-star, would be proud of her - is nothing but this. Also qualifies as a Tear Jerker, as it moved Carrie Ann to tears.
  • Jerry Springer, of all people. He said that all he wanted was to make it far enough in the competition to learn the waltz for his daughter's wedding. He did.
  • Kelly Osbourne, whom not many thought would do well before the competition began, performs an exceptional Viennese Waltz on her first night, and before getting her score, runs to the audience to hug and kiss her parents, Ozzy and Sharon, who looked so happy and proud of her, with Sharon just pouring tears.
    • Kelly Osbourne was just one big, long heartwarming moment, period.
  • Combining this with a Tear Jerker moment was Chris Jericho's rumba on Week 3 of Season 12. The theme was for the contestant to pick a personal song that told a story about them. Chris picked "Let it Be" by The Beatles because it reminds him of his mother. As wrestling fans know, Chris's mother was in a serious car accident when he was just beginning his career. He was ready to give up wrestling, but his mother told him to stay with it. She died in 2005 and loved dancing - he's said many times she would have loved seeing him on DWTS more than anything.
    • It was the first time in his 20-year professional career he's ever been billed as "Chris Irvine".
  • Jonathan and Anna dancing in a tribute to Julia Ivleva, a professional dancer who has been battling stage IV lung cancer for close to a year.
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