Dancing Mook Credits

So your favorite show just ended, and you beat the final boss of that game that's kept you busy for weeks. What better way to kick off the credits sequence than watching the hapless enemies the hero mowed down do the jitterbug for your entertainment?

The Dancing Mook Credits sequence is self-explanatory: a group of commonly found enemies in a show or game start dancing at some point during the credits roll, be it in or out of character for them. Most often played for laughs.

As an Ending Trope, Spoilers ahead may be unmarked. Beware.

Examples of Dancing Mook Credits include:

Anime and Manga

  • The Season 2 credits for SD Gundam Force were kicked off and ended by the Zako Soldiers dancing to the song playing in the credits.
  • The credits from Sengoku Basara:The Last Party feature mooks from all over, in a big ending dance number.

Live-Action TV

Video Games

  • The Typing of the Dead rewarded you for typing out an entire section of credits with a dancing zombie. Up to 10 or 12 zombies in all!
  • The Transformers Armada video game for the Playstation 2 ended it's credits sequence with several of the Decepticlones and Tidal Wave working out in time with the jazzy music.
  • Plants vs. Zombies: with an Ear Worm credit song.
  • While not all of them are exactly mooks, Tropico's credits have various character models (including rebels, police officers and soldiers, and civilians) dancing and jumping about. Particularly amusing when the General character model (a Fidel Castro Expy) is doing a rather nice dance.
  • In Destroy All Humans! 2, while browsing through the soundtrack, the background is taken up by a Mook or Innocent Bystander during an appropriate dance for the region you're in.
  • The credits sequence of Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex has the titular character dancing with a Disco Dan version of the game's garden variety enemy.
  • The ending of Doom II let you watch the moving, action, and death sequences of all the enemies (and yourself!) in a neverending (looping) parade of slaughter and screams, which killed and advanced to the next enemy on a keypress. Same for the Doom 64 version.
  • The Mega Man franchise generally had the bosses of the game come on screen, do a pose, and disappear, as part of the credits sequence.
  • Warcraft III has a concert with all the character models. They're all enemies if you're played all the different races' campaigns (and you did, because that's at the end of the last campaign).
  • God Hand's end credit sequence has a series of choreographed dance numbers about halfway through, featuring every mook and mid-boss in the game.
  • The credit sequences of both Penny Arcade Adventures games have this as well, with dancing hobos.
  • In Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, one level ends for the anti-registration side, with a dancing robot, which is a mook for the Pro Registration side.
  • Not during the credits, but in Star Wars Rebel Assault II, there's an Easter Egg cutscene with dancing stormtroopers.
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