< Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures
Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures/Heartwarming
- The end of the "Perfect Date" mini-arc:
DAN: When I was younger, I used to believe that each star in the sky was someone's soul mate... and that a falling star meant that one was coming to find their true love. I remember I used to spend countless nights out under the stars because I thought if I just wished hard enough... mine would finally fall to me. It's silly... and I know better now. But on nights like this I wonder if somewhere out there someone is wishing for me...
- The penultimate page from Abel's Story.
- Given just how rocky and tumultuous their relationship can be, and the sheer amount of d 'aaaaaaaaaaw! the image alone creates, I think this should be listed as well.
- Again proving that Abel + something un-Abel-ish == good comic, there's this.
- Kria reteaching undead Devin.
- Amber receives a letter from a reader who praises her recent turns in the comic particularly the Art Evolution and saying that she doesn't need any luck with her kind of talent. Amber represents her gratitude and appreciation with a blowfish that puffs revealing her genuine joy.
- This adorable shot of Abel falling asleep with Deebs on the couch: As Jyrras (and Amber's title for the page) notes D'awwwwww.
- Jyrras, in response to Abel's revamping his outfit, hugs Abel and states that he think of him as a friend.
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