< Damnatus
Hiero von Remus
The truth is, we can't even choose the way we die...
- All There in the Manual: He is a rogue trader, and his protective amulet was given to him by some Eldar Harlequins.
- Arc Words: "In this universe one is either sacrificed, or can sacrifice themself."
- Awesome McCoolname: Hieronymous VI von Remus. Hiero to his friends.
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Normal
- Cheshire Cat Grin: After fatally distracting a pair of guards.
- The Cynic: And yet, he will go out of his way to take former slaves and distrusted psykers under his wing.
- Due to the Dead: He takes Oktavian's memory chip and promises to return it to the Adeptus Mechanicus. Sadly, he dies before he can do so.
- Father to His Men: He gets very emotional after the deaths of Oktavian and Wodan.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Guile Hero
- Jade Coloured Glasses
- Pet the Dog: He is a lot nicer to Nira than Osmar (who sneers off one of her fainting spells).
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: A minor case, with Nira.
- You Shall Not Pass: Unfortunately, it plays out as a Punch-Punch-Punch Uh-Oh
Sergeant Corris
In the name of the damned Inquisition, I hereby adjourn this meeting!
- Asskicking Pose: Often stands with one gun held out and one up by his face, in a manner reminiscent of John Preston.
- Awesome McCoolname: Sergeant "Spade Ace" Corris.
- Note that "Sergeant" is his name and not a rank, as the German equivalent of sergeant is Feldwebel.
- Badass Longcoat
- Bond One-Liner: "I can't see you anymore."
- Combat Pragmatist: With occasional forays into Gun Fu.
- Fire-Forged Friends: With Adeodatus.
- Guns Akimbo: He carries both a laspistol and an autopistol.
- I Just Shot Marvin in the Face: Deserves a special mention, as he uses his guns for everything from pushing open doors to scratching his nose.
- Knight in Sour Armour
- The Lancer
- Number One Dime: His lucky playing card (which is where his nickname "Spade Ace" comes from). It might just have the powers he claims.
- This Is Gonna Suck: "Heavy weapon, 12 o'clock!"
Wodan Dubrovnik
You remember those times on Necromunda?
- BFG: His Weapon of Choice is a bolter, more commonly carried by Space Marines.
- The Big Guy: Both literally and figuritively.
- Burn the Witch: Initially, he is very hostile towards Nira.
- Dog Food Diet: He is partial to rat burgers.
- Hot-Blooded
- Large Ham
- Made of Iron: An RPG goes off pretty much at his feet and he is no more than temporarily stunned.
- Hachimaki: The red "Rambo" headband is a good visual cue to the audience that he is from Catachan.
The eye of the Machine God is...embittered down here.
- An Axe to Grind
- Costume Porn: His costume really stands out in terms of attention to detail, complete with bionic enhancements, excess wires and Mechanicus symbols.
- Somewhat Awesome but Impractical from a meta perspective, as the heavy robes caused the actor to overheat and nearly faint on several occasions.
- Creepy Monotone
- Kryptonite Factor: His bionics don't stand up well to the Psychic Powers of Makkabeus' inner circle
- Last Words: "So weak, the flesh...so weak..."
- Machine Worship
- Not with the Safety On, You Won't: An interesting variation, where an enemy mook gets a hit in on him and uses the opening to pull a gun. The gun fails to fire. A now-recovered Oktavian explains "Machine empathy..." and whacks the mook with his power axe.
- Taking You with Me
- Technopath
Osmar Adeodatus
You are all under command of the PDF, as of now!
- Badass Beard
- Badass Normal: Averts the Red Shirt stereotype usually associated with PDF soldiers. Then again, he is the only Guardsman we see.
- Body Horror: After being Mind Raped by a daemon. The fact that his stammered prayers start manifesting Voice of the Legion is the first bad sign. He primes a grenade to commit suicide, but before it goes off there is a brief shot of him collapsing and starting to grow tentacles.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Fire-Forged Friends: With Corris.
- Forgot I Could Fly: There are several occasions where the grenades on his combat webbing would have been useful.
- The Fundamentalist
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He is a bit of a dick at first (especially towards Nira) but is only fighting for the safety of his home planet, and grows to accept the mercenaries as the film goes on.
- Last Words: "His orders..."
- It is left ambiguous whether he is referring to his commander/the Emperor and Better To Die Than Be Possessed, or if G'gour is mind raping him into killing himself and his friend.
- Robo Cam: Once or twice we get shots from the perspective of his bionic eye.
Nira Gippus
A Warp storm is coming...
- Blessed with Suck: True to the source material, Psychic Powers are something of a double-edged sword.
Nira: "It's not a gift, it's a curse!"
- Celibate Hero: Perhaps because she knows how often Death by Sex turns up in this kind of movie. This does not stop her from having a minor case of UST with Hiero.
- Defence Mechanism Superpower: She rarely uses her Psychic Powers unless she is physically under attack. She has a very good reason for this, however, as using them is a good way to get body snatched by the daemon that is currently on the loose.
- Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Her showdown with G'gour.
Nira: "If I can't stop you then His servants will, in His holy name!" *Cue Lessus' ship arriving in orbit*
- Final Girl: Set up, then subverted.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: When she uses her powers.
- Power Incontinence
- Protective Charm: The amulet Hiero gives her. This turns out to be a Spanner in the Works for G'gour, at least for a while.
I know these nameless things only too well...
- Almost-Lethal Weapons: Justified in this case as he is shot through a wall with a lasgun, which may have reduced the bolt's energy. Oktavian immediately points out that it's Only a Flesh Wound.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Having to go back and top up his polymorphine causes him to be outside the warded safe areas when Body Snatcher G'gour arrives.
- Mr. Exposition
- Non-Action Guy: "My skills lie in infiltration, not in combat."
- Painful Transformation: when he uses polymorphine to infiltrate Makkabeus' cult.
- Power Tattoo: Lechias has the inquisitorial seal on his palm. He uses it to reprogram a servo skull in the first scene.
- Reverse Mole
Zyriakus Makkabeus
Soon, we will begin.
- Accent Adaptation: A reverse example. Makkabeus speaks very formally (addressing Lechias with the polite pronoun "Sie" even though they are already well aquainted). The English subtitles rather amusingly translate this as Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe
- Alternative Character Interpretation: Is he misguided in trying to capture G'gour to use against Chaos, or was the daemon's return inevitable and capturing him the only way to save the planet? This nicely mirrors the Puritan/Radical divide present across 40K.
- Anti-Villain: See above. Possibly even Hero Antagonist
- Dramatic Unmask: Twice, though the second time with much less composure.
- Gory Discretion Shot: His death.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- You Fool!: In a failed attempt to warn the heroes that they are breaking it.
Be'wesh G'gour
This is MY WORLD!
- Body Snatcher
- Eldritch Abomination
- Evil Gloating: Subverted in that he does kill Nira half way through. Not to be put off, he continues monologuing to the Eldar in the spirit stone she was carrying.
- Flash Step: When he attacks Nira.
- Hero-Killer: Like you wouldn't believe.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: It doesn't stop him.
- Just Between You and Me: He spends the last 5 minutes of the film monologuing
- Narrator All Along: If you thought the creepy filter was put on the intro voiceover just for effect then think again.
- Noodle Incident: He alludes to some sort of Arch Enemy dynamic with Farseer Vintog Phaer.
- Organ Autonomy: An inverse example - he's so damn evil that even corpses start spasming and trying to get out of his way.
- Punctuation Shaker: His name.
- Reality Warper
- Sssssnaketalk
- You Can't Fight Fate: The subject of his Hannibal Lecture to both Hiero and Nira.
- Your Soul Is Mine: His preferred method of attack.
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