DJINN: Way to Home
DJINN: Way to Home is a Continuation of WITCH written by koolkame
The story is about the about the next group of Guardians of the infinite Dimensions. Dee, Jamila, Ingrid, Nestis and Nola are the inheritors of the Heart of Candracar who have taken the duty of protecting the known dimensions from W.I.T.C.H just as a Nebulous Evil Organization appears with unknown motives to menace the universe. D.J.I.N.N. will have to deal with this mysterious threat as well as their own personal issues as they learn to become both a team and a new family.
- Action Girl: Action Girls to be more exact.
- Adults Are Useless: Before meeting Will, Dee had this mindset, especially Social Service workers.
- Alliterative Name: Soon to be subverted, but Diana Doe.
- Alpha Bitch: Synthia "Cutthroat" Cuthoros. Even Hay Lin is fooled by her little princess act.
- Badass Bookworm: Jamilia, just like her predecessor Taranee. Nola also qualifies.
- Badass Longcoat: The story behind Ingrid's is explained in a side-story.
- Berserk Button: For your health, don't even insult Will.
- Between Dee and "Irradicator" Irma, a very bad idea.
- Bi the Way: Belantha and her son Imran. Word of God says that Imran prefers girls but has a thing for particularly Bishounen boys.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Ingrid is Boke and Nola is the Tsukkomi, except that Ingrid won't take the Dope Slap lying down.
- Book Dumb: Ingrid hates schoolwork. Hates it.
- Cast From HP: As mentioned in the original series
- Christmas Cake: Elyon and Will are confirmed to be this; Will doesn't mind and Elyon is currently going cougar.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Ingrid has this in spades.
- Cool Big Sis: Ingrid to the other girls and considers DEE to be her Cool Big Sis. The former Guardians may also count.
- Crash Into Hello: Right at the get go in chapter one with Dee and Will.
- Crossover: Word of God claims that it will try to crossover with other works but nothing's definite at this moment.
- The Dragon: Selene, who is implied to be related to the original dragon, Cedric.
- Due to the Dead: Ingrid and any old members of the rebellion during Phobos' reign wear a red bandanna on their left arm to honor those who fought. Ingrid keeps the bandanna in Guardian form, just changing the color to purple. Not a Red Armband of Leadership.
- Embarrassing First Name: Dee hates being called being Diana, the reason being it doesn't sound like the kind of name a girl like her should have (in her opinion, anyway.) Ironically, everyone else seems to love it.
- Ethical Slut: Belantha has no problem sleeping with married people... as long as both spouses are "involved." She also draws the line at age of consent.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Princess Nola Escanor Brown by adoption.
- Five Girl Band: DJINN of course.
- The Hero: Dee; despite being a Deadpan Snarker. Powers: Quintessence
- The Lancer: Nola accepts the fact that Dee is the Keeper of The Heart of Kandrakar but has problems with her street wise attitude. Powers: Water
- The Smart Guy: Jamie. She actually is quite strong and creative using her fire Powers: Fire
- The Big Guy: Ingrid, a literal version of the trope, seeing how she's almost six feet at the age of 13. Powers: Earth and Plants
- The Chick: Nestis is quite shy and insecure about her hair and biracial status. Powers: Air
- Fourth Wall Mail Slot: In one of the forums, you can have a short Q&A session with the cast.
- Four-Girl Ensemble: Played with. Dee and Ingrid are the mannish snarkers, but Ingrid is also the sexy one and Team Mom while Dee is the Wild Card and Team Dad. Nestis is the sweet girl but is just as smart as the others. Nola is considered the prettiest but is also intelligent. Jamila is the The Smart Guy but also as fashionable as Nola.
- Fun Personified: Ingrid, life of the party in any dimension.
- Fun with Acronyms: Played Straight with all three generations of Guardians: CHYKN, WITCH and DJINN. Hay Lin even thinks up DJINN's acronym like she did with their predecessors as a nod to the television series and comic.
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: Dee thinks Susan looks too young to be a grandmother, greatly endearing herself to the woman.
- Heroic Bastard: Literally by Ingrid who was three when her parents finally wed. She plays it off non-chalantly stating:
- Honorary Uncle: Ingrid with all of WITCH, plus Aunt Elyon, Uncle Aldarn, Aunt Orube... add in the crossover factor and Ingrid has more Honorary Aunts and Uncles than most people have biological relatives, ex. "Uncle Danny."
- Hot Shounen Mom: All the girls with children are said to still look good, even Cornelia who is currently pregnant with twins.
- The creator specifically started the series to turn Will into one of these-and be old enough for him to date. He's kind of a weirdo.
- Huge Schoolgirl: If the transformation can be considered a preview to the girls as adults then all the girl's will be like this. Transformed Ingird turns this Up to Eleven being six foot eight inches towering over her own father.
- I'm Taking Her Home with Me: Will ferociously paraphrases this when Hay-Lin asks if she could adopt Dee instead.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Quite a few but none more so about the Breast Expansion of Nestis' the air gaurdian. mammaries which had ballooned even larger than Jamila's. Ironically, Nestis is one of the Pettankoes of the group in her real form.
- Then there was this little gem
Will: Nola, you can call me Will, you know. I mean I changed your diapers.
Nola: And I thank you for that...Will. You were very good at it according to mother.
Ingrid: Talk about doing the "Royal Doody" (Collective Groan) Sorry it had to be said.
Nola: Did it really?
- In the Blood: Discussed in regards to Ingrid's relation to Nerissa.
- Invisible Streaker: Nestis, on a dare during the sleepover.
- Jumped At the Call: Dee, Ingrid, and Nola all jumped at it with different reasons. Ingrid being the most enthusiastic.
- Large Ham: Ingrid
- Lethal Chef: Will's lasagna is considered a bio-hazard.
- Likes Older Women: Maqi about Elyon, despite Elyon only having four years on him.
- The Matchmaker: All of Will's friends want her to at least be with a guy, she politely refuses. Her mother Susan is even worse about this and grandchildren. Ingrid loves to do this with her friends, family... everybody.
- Meaningful Name: Explained in one of the chapters on how koolkame came up with the names.
- Most Common Superpower: While not as big when in "civilian mode", like their predecessors, this is the first thing they notice when transformed.
- Noodle Incident: Dee has androphobia due to something happening at her at her last foster home.. Not all are bad as one involves a car, the garage door and an eight year old Ingrid.
- No Periods, Period: Subverted, especially by the Water Guardians who due to their powers are most affected by the water retension.
- Rapunzel Hair: Nola has this and in her Guardian form it's even longer.
- Official Couple: Played straight and subverted. Caleb and Cornelia are married and Hay Lin and Eric engaged; however Matt and Will are, at the moment, split up. Word of God said this is because one of his reviewers asked why should the girls stay with their boyfriends at the junior high level. Irma and Martin are also married, though they're only teased at on the show.
- The Obi-Wan: Both former groups of Guardians help out with the girls, each specifically tutoring the girl with their element.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Despite knowing her true name Diana insists on being addressed as Dee. Nola, however, refuses to do so due to her noble upbringing. It sparks discussions as famous as the "Don't call me Corny." of old.
- Papa Wolf: According to Caleb, Imran is not allowed anywhere near Ingrid or even his Honorary Niece Nola, not even the same dimemsion if he can help it. Elyon tells him he's over-reacting, but it doesn't take.
- Parental Abandonment: A surprising amount of it in contrast to the nuclear families of W.I.T.C.H. With Cornelia being a supermodel amd Caleb being Captain of the Guard in Meridian, Ingrid was raised by the other girls and has hard time identifying herself with her parents, especially Cornelia. Dee is implied to have been abandoned at birth. Nola was sent floating on a river, only to be found by Queen Elyon, what that means is on you. Jamila lost both her parents at an early age and Nestis recently lost her father.
- Parental Substitute: Will became this to Ingrid due to Cornelia's long absences.
- Possession Implies Mastery: Played with right in the first chapter Dee knows how to use lightning. Subverted by Nestis who uses a bit to much power and ends up making a tornado that sends Dee flying.
- Power Incontinence: Nestis.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Ingrid (wears a red bandana on her arm.) and Nola(wore blue on her first meeting with the other guardians) again. Dee asks if this is routine for them.
- A Sure Why Not according to koolkame.
- Red Pill, Blue Pill: Irma offers this. All the girls take the red pill, though Nestis was the most reluctant due to her overprotective mother.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Nola tries very much to be this.
- Technopath: Thanks to Dee's power over Quintessence, life energy and electricity, anyone connected the Heart of Kandrakar, that is the current Guardians (and only in her proximity) is able to hear machines speak. Which makes going to the bathroom kinda difficult.
- The Immodest Orgasm: Dee really enjoys her food.
Ingrid: "I'll have what she's having. On second thought, I think I'll wait til I'm married, 'cuz it's a sin to enjoy food that much."
- The Not Love Interest: Dee to Will and vice-versa. Ingrid even lampshades how quickly the two have fallen in love with each other.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Ingrid and Nola.
- Twenty Minutes Into the Future: If WITCH ended in '06 then this takes place in the year 2024 (says it does). Where glasses, unless preferred, are outdated and cellphones are now comparable to the Atari 2600.
- Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: Dee is less intimidated about being a Guardian than reintegrating into normal society (ex. school, etc.)
- Where The Hell Is Heatherfield: Seeing as Heatherfield had no true location in the orginal series, Word of Dante says that it may be in northern California.
- For DJINN it's somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, more or less.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Dee is so good at it she can make people think she's a boy in girl's clothing.
- Actually a fashion statement according to Cornelia.