D8 is an ongoing fantasy story by author Tonniwott.
According to the author, D8 is the prototype of a planned novel. There's also a spin-off comic and a collection of one-page comics. A spin-off story has also been launched.
The plot revolves around a separate dimension to our own called The Board, which co-exists with our own. Essentially a chessboard, The Board is divided into two factions: Black and White. Every citizen has a rank according to a chess piece; the King's guard are called Bishops, the archers are called Rooks, normal citizens are Pawns and so on. Occasionally, a person from outside the Board will get sucked into the game, and this is where our story begins.
The conflict between the two kingdoms has prevailed since before anyone can remember, but there are personal reasons behind the current Black Queen's adamant struggle - and just as Black Kingdom is about to buckle under, a new King rises to the throne, with the goal of ending the war once and for all. Les Yay abounds.
- Arc Words: "I can see morning", "E1 KINGCOMEDOWN"
- Badass Gay: Erin.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Flang when Kaitlin meets her for the first time.
- Cooldown Hug: Erin does this to Asterisk in chapter 25.
- Everyone Is Gay
- Eye Scream: Nathan.
- Four-Girl Ensemble: Asterisk, Kaitlin, Erin and Flang seem to be on their way to becoming one of these.
- Gray and Gray Morality: Neither of the kingdoms are purely good or purely evil.
- Heartbroken Badass: Asterisk, after the death of the previous King.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Asterisk outside the Board. Kaitlin to a degree on the Board.
- Ice Queen: Erin towards Kaitlin.
- Limited Wardrobe: Everyone on the Board. Seeing Asterisk outside of her all-black jacket and pants is rare - the same goes for Kaitlin, though she is seen wearing other clothes at least once. The servants count too, but mostly because we never see them out of uniform.
- Mama Bear: Erin always protects Marqui, often aggressively, even if he's not her biological son.
- A Match Made in Stockholm: Flang and Kaitlin become "friends" this way. Flang denies everything.
- Murder Is the Best Solution
- Mysterious Past: Asterisk, Flang, Erin, Skye, the White King, Nathan... Nearly every character on the Board has this, at least so far.
- Naive Newcomer: Kaitlin, Kaitlin, Kaitlin, Kaitlin...
- No Social Skills: Kaitlin, though it seems she's getting better.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Implied to be Nari's attitude towards Flint in the spin-off story.
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Queen Asterisk is rarely, if ever, seen doing actual royal duties. She seems to spend most of her time drinking, messing around and decorating her room of crazy.
- Please Don't Leave Me: Asterisk does this towards Kaitlin in chapter 11.
- Posthumous Character: Kaitlin's cousin and the Black King are this.
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Asterisk.
- Revenge: The main driving force behind the entire story.
- Room Full of Crazy: The Queen's Quarters in Black Castle in chapter 20.
- And again in chapter 25.
- Satisfied Street Rat: Asterisk is hinted at as being this.
- Tsundere: Flang.
Flang: We're not friends. I'm doing this because it's my job.
- Useless Protagonist: Kaitlin is one at first.
- Yuri Fan: Erin ships Kaitlin and Flang. A lot.
- Kaitlin gets back at her by shipping her and Asterisk.