Cyteen is a 1988 science fiction novel by C. J. Cherryh set in the Alliance Union universe. Cyteen is the capital of Union, a interstellar society based on human cloning, genetic engineering and technologies in psychology that verge onto mind control. Engineered humans called 'azi' (an acronym of 'artificial zygote insemination') are enslaved and certain geniuses who are certified as "Specials" are essentially above law. The novel chronicles the life of Ariane (Ari) Emory II and Justin Warrick, both clones (PR) of Specials, and Grant, an azi based on the genome of another Special and the companion and later lover of Justin. A winner of both Hugo and Lucas awards. Has a sequel Regenesis.
Tropes used in Cyteen include:
- Action Girl: Catlin.
- Angst: Ari, Justin and Grant all have such tendency. Sometimes bordered on Wangst though YMMV.
- Big Brother Is Watching: Although the Union in general is a somewhat liberal society (if you can overlook slavery and several other issues), many seem to think so in Reseune.
- Brainy Brunette: Both Ari.
- Burial in Space: Ari I and Jane.
- Child Soldier: Catlin and Florian, as well as all other azi kids that will join Securiety.
- Cloning Blues: Being a PR or azi could lead to angst sometimes, but in general different characters have different attitudes towards this issue. The social and psychological effect of human cloning is one of the major theme of this story.
- Coming of Age Story:
- Consummate Liar: Almost every citizen character is one, often coincides with Living Lie Detector, hence they spend quite a lot of time trying to outsmart each other.
- Dead Man Writing: Ari I to Ari II.
- Deliberately Cute Child: Lampshaded in Ari II.
- Dystopia: Generally averted, though YMMV. Some aspects of the Union society may seem horrible in today's moral standards, yet some issues might be justified by the Company War happened a few decades earlier, and many people are working for social reforms.
- Faster-Than-Light Travel: The jump drive.
- Fictional Political Party: The Centralists and Expansionists.
- Flashback Echo: Justin suffers from this after his rape by Ari I. He gets better.
- Grey and Grey Morality:
- Happiness in Slavery: Played straight in most azi for they are conditioned from birth and generally treated well on the surface. Inverted by Grant.
- Info Dump: A lot.
- Kids Are Cruel: Ari II, before she grows out of it.
- Lost Colony: Gehenna.
- Mind Manipulation: The Tape.
- Older Than They Look: With the help of Rejuv.
- Sexual Extortion: The thing Ari I does to 17-year old Justin. Later it is revealed that her main goal probably is freeing Justin from his father's control.
- Teacher-Student Romance: Ari II wants to do this with Justin, the latter freaks out (due to his former experiences with Ari I) and refuses.
- Teen Genius: The majority of the cast is one or has been one.
- The Bully: Ari II when she is younger. Mostly towards Amy.
- The Chessmaster: Arguably Ari I.
- The Chosen One: Ari II.
- The Great Politics Mess-Up: Ari I mentions "Eastern Bloc" once in one of her speech.
- The Talk: Happens when Ari II is twelve. Given through Ari I's recorded message. A few months later she decides to try it with Florian.
- Truly Single Parent: All clones are like this.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Abolitionist terrorists.
- Young Entrepreneur: Ari and Amy's guppy business.
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