< Cutscene Boss
Cutscene Boss/Playing With
Basic Trope: The Final Boss is defeated in a cut scene.
- Straight: In Tales of Troperia, Bob fights his way through a castle, slashing through hundreds of mooks, and finally reaches the lair of Sir Evil. Instead of a typical battle, the game shows a cut scene of Bob throwing his sword and slaying Lord Evil.
- Exaggerated: Every single battle Bob gets into, even against minor mooks, plays out in a cut scene.
- Downplayed:
- Bob whittles Sir Evil down to a certain health level in gameplay, then must use a Quick Time Event sequence to finish him off.
- Alternatively, Coup De Grace Cutscene.
- Justified: The Unfought.
- Inverted: The whole game is cut scenes except for the boss battles.
- Subverted: The cut scene shows Bob slaying Lord Evil in a cut scene, but then Lord Evil transforms into a monstrous form and the real battle begins.
- Double Subverted: The real battle lasts for a few moments with nothing happening, then goes back to a cut scene of Bob defeating Sir Evil.
- Parodied: The gameplay engine (or the cut scene itself) depicts Sir Evil showing Bob a video of how the battle would play out in a cut scene; then Sir Evil keels over defeated.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: Bob doesn't defeat any bosses in a cut scene.
- Enforced: The creators had a cool way to kill off the villain that can't be achieved with the usual game mechanics.
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: ???
- Exploited: ???
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
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