Custer's Revenge
Custer's Revenge is a pornographic game for the Atari 2600 involving the historical U.S. general, George Custer, attempting to rape a Native American woman. Custer is nude, and has a 3-pixel-long erection. The woman is also nude, has large breasts with one-pixel nipples, and is tied up to a pole (according to the cover, but not the in-game display). Custer has to dodge arrows while walking across the screen. Once Custer reaches the woman there's a short bonus segment in which points can be scored by moving the joystick back and forth while on Custer's victim.
It's widely considered one of the worst games ever. On top of the obvious problems of explicit content AND racism, the graphics... are just so bad that Custer looks not much different from a one-eyed pink alien. The woman, frankly, looks like a large, misshapen ant. Mystique's raunchy antics have mostly accounted for why Atari tightened up security on their 7800 by requiring all licensed developers to have their games digitally signed by Atari, as they were concerned about pornographers exploiting the 7800's more advanced graphical capabilities to produce more realistic renditions of private parts and other such puerile acts.
Ironically, its lack of quality and the ensuing press storm surrounding the creator company Mystique, and Atari as well, caused it to sell about twice as well as Mystique's other adult-only games, according to Wikipedia.
The game was also sold as Westward Ho and The White Man Came.
- Contemptible Cover: Would you go in public showing a copy of Custer's Revenge? Even if you want to destroy the cartridge, you should probably wrap it in brown paper first.
- This and other Mystique games came with a special cover to hide the cartridge.
- Distaff Counterpart: The game was later remade with a woman making her way toward a tied-up man under the title General Retreat.
- Explicit Content: Well, explicit for the Atari 2600.
- Freud Was Right: Yep, even General Custer needs some love, Nudge Nudge.
- Gag Penis: General Custer.
- Gratuitous Rape: Not only is it the point of the game, but Custer is attempting to do it while arrows are being shot at him!
- Historical Domain Character
- Incredibly Lame Pun: The instruction manual's Tagline:
Will Custer get his sweet revenge? Or will he get it in the end?
- Narm: It's quite hard to take the whole thing seriously with those graphics.
- Refuge in Audacity: If it wasn't for this, the game would have long been forgotten.
- Too Dumb to Live: Custer. Who stops to have any kind of sex while being shot at, seriously?
- Sex Sells
- So Bad It's Horrible: This game was So Bad It's Horrible, then achieved a sort of memetic status due to how bad it is, became So Bad It's Good until people look at what it is, at which point it loops further back to So Bad It's Horrible, effectively Crossing The Line Thrice. As mentioned above, it is often mentioned when people make lists of the worst videogames ever.
- What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: Back when everyone thought of gamers as strictly being teenagers in arcades, the fact that such a game existed was quite a shock.
- Word of God From The Other Wiki: The game's designer, Joel Miller, said Custer was "seducing" the maiden and that she was a "willing participant". But the back of the box says, "she's not about to take it lying down, by George! Help is on the way. By God! He's coming." Also according to The Other Wiki, her name is literally Revenge. This does not help.